From: visit tsr's nes archive! The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy(tm) Instruction Booklet Licensed by Codemasters(tm) - Published by Camerica(tm) --- 1-900-YO-DUDES (1-900-963-8337) If you ever get stuck in this incredible adventure you can always get help on the YO DUDES help line. Calls should only be made with the permission of the person who pays the phone bill and cost $1.75 for the first minute and 90 cents per minute for every minute after that. This service is only available in the USA at this time. --- How to play the adventures of Dizzy. Dizzy's Girlfriend Daisy has been kidnapped and taken to Evil Zaks' castle in the clouds. Your job as Dizzy is to find the castle and defeat Zaks'. Your adventure begins in front of Dizzy's tree house high above the forest floor. To start with you will only be able to move around a small part of the map because you are stopped from going further by different puzzles. As you solve these puzzles more and more of the map will gradually open up revealing more new puzzles. Some of the puzzles can be solved using agility and skill but others must be solved by using the correct object. The objects can be picked up and used to solve puzzles. To pick up an object stand over it and press the B button. You can use the SELECT button to examine an object once you have picked it up. This will give you a clue to how it should be used. To solve a puzzle put the correct object down over the correct puzzle, eg. put the key down over the door to unlock the door. Life force and damage Dizzy starts the adventure with three lives. Dizzy will meet all kind of evil creatures. Some may kill Dizzy immediately while others will only damage him a little bit. If Dizzy takes too much damage he will lose one of his lives. Eating fruit found along the way will heal some of his damage. You can also win bonus lives by solving the sliding puzzles. 100 magic stars Around the map are 100 spinning stars. Each of these represents one magic unit. You must eventually collect all 100 in order to enter Zaks' magic castle and complete the game. You can use the number of stars remaining as a guide to how far through the game you are. --- An example problem and how to solve it. Later on in the game, high in the tree house there is a platform which is too high to jump onto. Attached to this platform is a rope and a hook. At another part of the map close by there is a weight. You can pick up the weight, take it to the tree house, attach it to the hook and bring the ramp down to where you can jump on it. How to play the sliding/swapping puzzle If you come across one of these, there is a bonus life to be had if you can solve it before the egg timer runs out! You'll see a flashing square over the top left block of the scroll. You can move this UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT using your control pad. Press and hold the A Button whilst pushing in a direction to swap the square you are on with the adjacent square. In this way you can unscramble the picture. Watch out for some variations on this puzzle - you'll have to work them out for yourself! How to use the rope The rope is handy for getting across chasms which are too wide to jump. Unfortunately, there has to be a hook over the chasm for Dizzy to attach his rope. Put Dizzy in a good position for starting his swing, and then use the rope by pushing your B BUTTON while the rope is in any space on your OBJECTS HELD window in the bottom panel. Dizzy will throw the rope to the hook and start his swing. Jump clear of the rope by pushing Button A when he's in the right place to jump off. --- Parts of the controller and how to use them... Left - Move left Right - Move right Start - Pause/unpause Select - Display 'Status screen' (Examine objects) A-Button - Jump (Use with left and right to jump diagonally) B-Button - Pickup/drop objects/open doors/talk to characters/use lift How to use objects Use the B BUTTON to pick up objects when you are standing in front of them. The object will move into the left window on the display panel, moving the others along one place. Any object held in the right hand window will be dropped where Dizzy is standing. This will happen even if you don't pick anything up. You should always use the SELECT button to examine a new object as this will give you a clue as to how it can be used. To solve a problem, pick up the object, position Dizzy next to the problem and drop it again. You should experiment with the exact positions to drop objects next to puzzles as this can sometimes be important. Status screen Here you can see Dizzy's status screen. The status screen shows information about Dizzy's damage and details about the objects he is carrying. You can get to this screen at any time by pressing SELECT and should always go to this screen to examine any objects you find. When you want to leave the status screen press SELECT again. --- The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy(tm) The Story So Far ..... Before the arrival of Zaks, the land of the Yolkfolk was a peaceful and safe place, full of gentle wonder and friendly creatures living together side by side in friendship. The Yolkfolk were the friendliest and most curious of the creatures in the land. They were strange and charming with oval bodies and hard 'eggs-terior' shells. They wore bright red gloves and boots by which they could always be recognised and lived in a small tree top village of wooden huts in a forest not far from the diamond mines. Their days were spend wandering the forest and mining precious diamonds led by a council of wise and respected elder Yolkfolk. The Diamonds were traded with trolls in the local town of Keldor for all the things that the Yolkfolk could not make for themselves. So it had been for as long as anybody could remember until that fateful day, when a dark and brooding stranger came to the land. He wore a long black cloak which disguised his stumpy body. He had a bloack pointed hat that hung down to shade his glowing eyes. The wizard Zaks - for that was the stranger's name - set himself up in the Castle of Keldor and summoned the head of the Yolkfolk to meet him there to discuss the Yolkfolk's diamonds. Grand Dizzy volunteered to travel to the Castle and explain their terms of trading to Zaks. The meeting took place in the grand hall of the castle of Keldor where Grand Dizzy found Zaks sitting on an immense throne surrounded by trolls dressed in armour and clutching axes. Until now the trolls had been friends of the Yolkfolk. "Welcome, I am the great Wizard Zaks," his words seemed more of a warning than an introduction. Grand Dizzy introduced himself as the leader of the Yolkfolk and made clear their willingness to trade peacefully. "I had in mind a different kind of arrangement all together." Zaks paused as if in deep concentration. "I wonder how many diamonds the Yolkfolk will give in return for the safe return of their leader? Guards seize him!" Grand Dizzy, who had been ready for trouble from the start, spun around and ran for the door as if his life depended on it - which it probably did. The guards rushed to block his escape but Grand Dizzy still had a trick or two up his sleeve and somersaulted over the heads of the clumsy and un-egg-sperienced guards. As Grand Dizzy made good his escape he could hear Zaks' voice sounding inside his head. "You'll regret this day. One way or the other I'll make you and your Yolkfolk pay for this." From that day on the Yolkfolk lived in fear of Zaks and what he might do. Tales were heard of Zaks building a great cloud castle high up in the sky. The work was being done with ancient magic and the labour of his new slaves, the Trolls. For a while nothing happened then one day, somewhere in the forest a group of five young Yolkfolk were out 'egg-venturing'. "Hey Denzil, Daisy. Wait for me guys," complained Dozy sleepily. "Come on hurry up, if you get any slower you'll be standing still," called Daisy without even looking back. Dizzy, the eldest, stopped and waited for his sleepy friend. He remembered his mother's words of warning as they had left the village. "Dizzy don't go too far, and make sure everyone's back well before dark. You're old enough to be responsible for the younger children now." Dylan stopped to smell a large yellow flower. "Hey man, maybe we should take a rest here, It's soooo lovely with the sun's rays shining on the fresh meadow grass and the gentle sound of the sparkling Swift river." "Yo dudes, check it out. This is one happenin place!" joked Denzil adjusting his sunglasses and looking as unconcerned as ever. "I think this would be a good place to have something to eat," suggested Dora hopefully, holding up the picnic basket she'd been carrying. She did her best to look faint with hunger. "Well, ... OK," eggs-claimed Dizzy, "but we're not stopping for long. We'll never find the dragon's cave at this rate!" "And we don't want to be out after dark," he added to himself, thinking of Zaks and his evil castle now almost complete. "Eggs-cellent," exclaimed Denzil looking at the river. "If only I'd brought my flippers, I could go for a swim." "Oh!" eggs-claimed Dora as a frog jumped from the grass. "How ugly." She shrank away from its slimy touch. Dylan disagreed. "It's lovely man, all animals are lovely if you look at them in the right way." "I do'nt see how anyone could think that was lovely!" snorted Dora disbelievingly. They were both interrupted by Dizzy pointing. "Look at those dark clounds over there... That's strange..." Mysterious dark shapes were forming in the sky. The young group watched in fascination. "Yo! I never seen anything like that before!" eggs-claimed Denzil jumping up. Dora cowered. "I don't like this Dizzy, I'm scared." Daisy agreed. She held on tightly to Dizzy's hand. "Dizzy, let's go home." "I think that's an eggs-cellent idea." Dizzy was now very worried himself. "Come on Dozy, wake up!" said Dizzy shaking Dozy who was - to no one's surprise - asleep! "Wha..? What's happening?" muttered Dozy as he forced his eyes open and squinted at the light. "Yo, no time to eggs-plain," answered Denzil, helping him up. The friends turned and ran for home. These were no ordinary clouds, their strange and growing shapes started to block out the sunlight. "It's getting darker," gasped Dizzy. "It'll be pitch black before we get home!" "Ow!" shouted Dozy from behind him. A bird swooped down from a tree straight into him, knocking him to the floor. "It attacked me!" he said looking around for more assailants. "Don't be silly Dozy, why would it want to hurt you?" asked Dora. "It's just frightened!" she added. "Ahh! Help me! Help me!" screamed Daisy. Dizzy spun around just in time to see Daisy lifted off her feet and carried away by four more flapping squawking birds. "Daisy! Daisy!" he shouted helplessly, chasing after her. The birds were headed over the forest. Dizzy chased after them as fast as he could. Soon he left the cries of his friends far behind. No matter how quickly Dizzy ran the birds kept getting further away. They flew high up towards the densest part of the strange clouds. Exhausted and stumbling Dizzy didn't see the open mouth of a disused mine-shaft. He tumbled headlong into it! In the dark he could do nothing but listen to his girlfriend's fading calls for help. He was confused and dazed from his fall. Finally he collapsed into unconsciousness. Dizzy dreamed of Daisy's pet flufle and who would look after it now that Daisy was gone. The evil wizard Zaks looked out from his castle in the clouds. He had unleashed his most awesome spell ever. Across the whole land the night grew darker. all that had been good and kind now turned to evil. In the Yolkfolk village dark shapes and evil creatures drew near... The next morning Dizzy woke alone and cold. In the light of day it was easy to climb out of the mine shaft. Above the trees he could see smoke curling into the clear sky from the direction of the Yolkfolk village. Dizzy started to run. As he rounded the last corner and the village came into view, he stopped and stood in shocked amazement. He gazed across what had once been their safe and cosy village. Smoke rose from several smouldering mounds, which was all that was left of the huts on the forest floor. They had been flattened, wiped out, devastated! Nothing stirred. Crack... thud... ugh!! Dizzy span around expecting some horrible creature but found only Grand Dizzy. He lay dazed where he had fallen to the forest floor. Dizzy rushed to help him. "It was awful," moaned Grand Dizzy. "... the Trolls... in armour, with axes and burning torches... Everybody fled. I hid and waited for you and your friends," he gasped. "Where are they?" Dizzy told Grand Dizzy what had happened to him and his friends. Why would the trolls do this? Dizzy asked himself. They wouldn't want to harm us? Dizzy knew the answer to his own question. He remembered the birds the night before. Zaks had turned the land to evil. Why are the Yolkfolk still good? Why aren't we evil like the birds? Maybe it's our thick shells, he thought. Zaks' spell couldn't penetrate our minds! So that's why Zaks build the castle in the sky. Without a shell, even Zaks had to hide from his own evil spell, high in his cloud castle. Dizzy kept these thoughts to himself. He was worried about Grand Dizzy, who grew weaker and weaker every second. "I don't think we should stand around in the open, they may come back!" Wearily he helped Grand Dizzy up to his tree house, undamaged, high in the forest. All the time he was thinking of Daisy and the birds that had taken her away into the sky. That was how Dizzy found himself alone in the land of the Yolkfolk. There was no way of knowing what had happened to his friends and Grand Dizzy was badly in need of medicine. Dizzy decided that it was up to him to find his friends. Maybe with their help he could rescue Daisy from Zaks' cloud castle. Dizzy was sure the evil birds had taken her there......... "Rest here Grand Dizzy, there is something I must do!" Go! Dizzy! Go! --- Meet Dizzy's friends The good magician Theodore This is the guy who can give you an extra life if you complete a sliding puzzle. Shamus the leprechaun Things are never boring while this happy Irishman is around. The Shopkeeper This angry character drives a hard bargain but you'll need to meet his terms before you can complete the game. Prince Clumsy Tries hard but rarely succeeds. Blackheart the Pirate "Mean, evil and nasty." That's how his friends describe his good points. --- About Codemasters and its young founders David and Richard Darling started writing video games while they were still in their early teens and still at school in England. From these beginnings David and Richard became contract games authors. They wrote games for many major British software houses, and many of them turned out to be run away best sellers. The boys had by then realised that they had a natural talent for coming up with games that people really want to play! David and Richard formed CODEMASTERS, their own company, in October 1986. Within a year CODEMASTERS was the best selling games software publisher in the UK. CODEMASTERS has dominated UK charts. Over thirty of the world's best games people work at CODEMASTERS' global head quarter, a 96 acre farm in the heart of rural England. CODEMASTERS has the resources, the expertise and the drive to bring you the very best in video game entertainment and that's exactly what Richard and David aim to do! ===