BombJack (by Tehkan 1984) DIP switch settings DIP switch 1 Option 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coin/credit 1 coin/1 credit off off coin 1 1 coin/2 credits on off 1 coin/3 credits off on 1 coin/6 credits on on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coin/credit 1 coin/1 credit off off coin 2 2 coins/1 credit on off 1 coin/2 credits off on 1 coin/3 credits on on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initial lives 3 Jacks off off 4 Jacks on off 5 Jacks off on 2 Jacks on on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cabinet type Table off Upright on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attract sound No off Yes on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIP switch 2 Option 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not used N/U N/U N/U ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty 1 Normal off off (mechanical Easy on off bird speed) Difficult off on Very difficult on on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty 2 Easy off off (number and Normal on off speed of Difficult off on enemies) Very difficult on on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special-coin Easy off appearance Difficult on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Typed in by Pelle Einarsson