A little chat about f00dsnes
<Dee> grimsnes source? what about gritsnes?
<grit9000> Whats that supposed to mean?
<Vermillion> tea? I prefer the blood of the non-believers
<grit9000> f00dsnes?
<Dee> yaya
*** Astos is now known as Hanson
<Dee> give me access to your hardrive, and I will steal it
<Vermillion> f00dsn3s was the greatest
<Hanson> dont make me have to woop your ass
<grit9000> I have the source#@!$
*** Hanson is now known as Astos
* Dee looks around grit's hardrive for f00dsnes source
<grit9000> I'll release it with the next f00dsnes release
<Dee> hehe
<grit9000> the next ver will run PUNCH OUT
<Dee> hehe
<Astos> hehehe
<Dee> the first one did
* SkullCrusher is away: Auto-away after 10 minutes. [11:47am CST]
<BludClot> grit - Make a new ver! ;)
<grit9000> so does this one$#@^
<grit9000> I can't, Infe made it and I hate him
<Dee> Infe made it?
<Vermillion> grit: the next ver will have N64 support, right?
<grit9000> yep
<Dee> Punch Out 64, not released
<grit9000> it will run N64 CD's like a charm