By: Akki
Last updated: Sunday, 20-Jun-1999
Kickin' Units::
These are some of the best units I've found for
one particular purpose or another.
The units listed in parenthesis ( ) are alternate choices, but the first
unit listed is most desireable.
Best Sky:
Cockatris (Gryphon) |
Wraith (Phantom) |
Monk (Shaman,Cleric) |
Phantom (Ghost) |
This is the best combination of cost
effectiveness and power in a treasure unit. Advanced (heh)
players use units like these to skirt opposing units while liberating
enemy cites and collecting hidden
treasure while your other units fight on the main front.
Best Grunt:
Mage (Wizard, Ghost) |
Wraith (Skeleton) |
Monk (Shaman, Cleric) |
Wraith (Skeleton) |
Mage (Wizard, Ghost) |
This unit is the best combination of
cost-effectiveness and power in a grunt unit. "Grunt" units are
used to hold cites after they have been liberated, and take on
some of the weaker units in the
field. This unit is also nice for getting the experience of Wizards and
Clerics up so that they can change
into more powerfull forms.
Best Main:
Monk |
Wraith [with White Sword] |
Princess |
Wraith [with White Sword] |
Lich |
No alternates are provided for this unit
because it is supposed to be the most powerfull. It IS important
to give the Wraiths white magic weapons so they can easily take out
opposing undead units. The greatest number of this unit I was ever
able to construct in one game was three. The Princess gives every
unit an extra attack [incluing herself] for a total of: 6 area-effect
magic attacks, 6 physical attacks, and 2 all heals. This unit will
kill nearly every enemy unit in the first round of combat.
Best Water:
Nixie (Mermaid) |
Kraken (Octopus) |
Nixie (Mermaid) |
Nixie (Mermaid) |
This seems to be the most effective water unit,
allthough I rarely use one unless I'm just having fun.
This guide is © of Akki, and may not be redistributed without explicit permission.
