» Monday, January 26th, 2004 |
The first Gamecube emulator to play commercial games has had a preview release! I have tried several games with Dolphin,
and I'm pretty surprised at how well some of the games work. There's obviously still a ton of work to do, but kudos to the authors for what they've already accomplished. This, along with
the new GC-Linux project successes (it partially boots now) has given an amazing 1-2 punch to the GC community. Gamecube emulators are available
here. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Thursday, January 15th, 2004 |
I have been working on Gamecube development in the past few weeks, and am happy to announce the release of my first
utility/Gamecube executable! Gamecube Broadband Adapter Debugger v0.1 will let you experiment with the Gamecube BBA by
letter you switch speed modes and viewing and changing registers. If you've got a Gamecube, BBA, and Phantasy Star Online, check it out! Hopefully you'll see more releases from me in the
future. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Tuesday, January 13th, 2004 |
Rork has resigned. I did not receive any more updates from him. Positions are now open for every section
again. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Thursday, January 1st, 2004 |
» Saturday, December 27th, 2003 |
Today, believe it or not, is the 6th anniversary of Patent Pending! I have a working implementation of the database as well
as a new template system, and will be adding content as I have time. As an example, you can check out the
NES Game Genie codes that Rork submitted a few months ago. I'll be uploading a bunch of emulators when I get
the chance. Ignore the broken links; they will be fixed in time. Rork is currently working on the MOD section. More to come!! | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Sunday, August 3rd, 2003 |
What, an update? Yes! After a few years without update, I want to lay out the plans for the future:
- Implement a database (for real this time). I already have the basic functionality done and it will be integrated into existing pages soon. Next, I need to add search and
sorting capability.
- Implement a news system. This shouldn't be too bad once the database is done. Coupled with the database, this will make it far easier to manage the site.
- Redesign the website. I'm planning on redesigning the site to utilize the latest web standards/eye candy and extensive DHTML. This will mean a (temporary, at least) drop in support for
legacy browsers. I don't think that will be a problem, though and hopefully usability will be increased greatly. The database will make it easy to generate simple pages for those
who choose them.
Also, we have a new staff member, Rork! Rork will be helping update archives, starting with the Music and Codes sections. You can e-mail him here.
We could use more staff members; applications accepted. If you'd like to help monetarily, tou can visit our sponsors in the banners above. I'll work on moving them to a less annoying
location. I'm not going to give an ETA on when sections will be finished right now, because I don't know how much time I'll have in the future, but I'll stop talking now and get back
to working on the database. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |