[C][O][U][N][T][E][R] hits since 12.31.97
News and Introduction
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Game and Emulator Reviews
Demo, SaveGame, and Translation Patches
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Links and Sponsors
2-11-98 Update Frenzy pt.4
Okay, like EVERY PAGE in the Emulator/Utilities archive has been updated.
I shrank the font down a notch, and I think it looks nicer. Opinions?
I'm planning on adding a message board and e-mail section soon! Also,
because I think it needs to be done, I am working on full scale
descriptions that will be added to each of my sections for the emulation
2-10-98 Update Frenzy pt.3
Miss a couple days this time and 2,000,000 new/updated emulators come out...
AHHH, well with the help of Deezer and DarkOrk, we've updated the archives.
I'll work on the indices for them tomorrow.
2-8-98 More demos
The SNES demo archive page has been added. (77 ROMs including 25 games!)
2-7-98 Demo overload
The Vectrex, ColecoVision, Coleco Adam, Atari 2600, and MSX demo archives
have been added.
2-6-98 Update Frenzy pt.2
The Gameboy and N64 demo archives have been updated. Also, the Gameboy,
SNES, MSX, SMS, and Game Gear emulator archives have been updated.
2-5-98 Update frenzy
Miss two weeks on the web and 1,000,000 new/updated emulators come out...
Anyway, I've updated the NES, SNES, TG-16, and Atari 2600 emulator pages
and added one SNES translation patch. NES, Gameboy, Lynx, and CHIP-8 demo
archive indices are up. Deezer has also added 100's of NES SaveGames.
2-4-98 Utils
NES, SNES, Gameboy, N64, Lynx, TG-16 and CHIP-8 Utility pages have been
added or added to.
2-3-98 More translation patches
Gameboy translation patch page is up and all other index pages that I
maintain have been updated.
2-2-98 WooHoo
I'll be off and on the internet, so there will be updates from me! 1200+
hits for January.. more than I imagined we'd get in our first month..
incredible. Many pages have been updated and NES and SNES translation
patch pages are up.
News Archive
Section Descriptions
- News and Introduction: This is the page you are at now. It
contains info about this site and tells what's new
- Emulator and Utility Archive: ALL known emulators for ALL known
systems and their Utilities
- Game and Emulator Reviews: Reviews of games and emulators, both
new and old.
- Demo, SaveGame, and Translation: Homebrewn ROMs, Translation
Patches, and Save RAMs of many games for many systems
- Technical Information: Everything about console systems and
emulators that we could dig up
- PC Games: Downloads of the latest, greatest, and classic PC
- Video Game Guides: Are you stuck in, or have questions about a
game? Maybe we can help!
- Video Game Music: MIDI, MODules, and other files of tunes from
video games
- Links & Sponsors: Banners and links to our sponsors, and a few
select sites
- This site will NOT contain commercial ROMs or other software, so
don't even ask...
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