[C][O][U][N][T][E][R] hits since 12.31.97
News and Introduction
Emulators and Simulators
Emulation Utilities
Homebrewn and Legalized ROMs
SaveRAMs and SaveStates
ROM Translation Patches and Tables
ROM Trainers and Improvement Patches
Technical Information
Video Game and Emulator Reviews
Video Game and Emulation Articles
Video Game Guides and FAQs
Video Game Cheats and Codes
Video Game Music
Links and WebRings
Credits and Special Thanx
Konfiskated Teknologies Member Sites
The Mushroom Kingdom
Jester Games
404 Not Found
Patent Pending was created when the emulation in general wasn't doing too well. Our goal is
to provide the best and largest archive of emulation related and other video game related
material. So far we are achieving this goal. This site does not use frames, uses minimal
graphics, and was written completely by hand so all modern browsers at all resolutions can
view it decently. Please e-mail us with any
comments or problems with this site. We hope you enjoy your stay and hope you come again! To
easily remember this site's addy, use http://patent.home.ml.org (and hope
Monolith is up ;) --=MEGAߥTE
What's New?
- Patent Pending
- NEW - Site has been texturized
- Milestone
- Counter - 6000 hits reached.. 1000 hits in the last ten days!
- Emulation and Video Game Articles
- Mß's Inbox
- Request -
Were very glad that your here (WOW! great site)
we need exposure
we are BCEI
we translate Snes japanese games to English
and Hentai(perverted) japanese PC games to English
and giving away snes roms
Note: the 1st one to translate Hentai PC games
visit our site
Thank you
- Video Game Guides and FAQs
- Guides - Terranigma by RaG
- Note from RaG - I have updated the Video game Guides and FAQs section, and added an
info page for Terranigma. I am also looking for any general strategies or tips for
- Request - Mr.Moogle2 - Could you help me in
Terranigma? I'm in Louran and Zombies are in the town. I finally made my way to the dog
guarding the gravestone, but I don't know what to do next. Could you help me?
- Video Game and Emulation Articles
- ROM Trainers and Improvement Patches
- Video Game and Emulation Articles
- Emulators and Simulators
- Unrelated News
- Hope you remembered to set your clocks one hour forward!
- Mß's Inbox
- Hi.
A horde of idiots continue to send me Snes9X Snapshot files (S9X). I really want people to
stop sending me those huge 200kb files, so could you please make an Snes9X snapshot archive?
I really need to direct people to some place where they could actually be recognized for
their generosity instead of their idiocy. Anyway...that's just my suggestion. Later for
- Hmm okay. Send them over. Direct people to http://netside.simplenet.com/pp/savegame/ for a
SNES9X Snapshot archive or something. I'll throw up a quick HTML page for the archive since I
really don't have any snapshots now.
- Emulation News
- Archaic Ruins has
discontinued updates until they can get another host. Contact them if you're interested in
hosting them.
- Milestone
- Counter - 5000 hits reached!
- Video Game Cheats and Codes
- NES - Game Genie Codes - A
- Note from MEGAߥTE - We'd like to thank you people out there for the input you've given us.
However, I'd like people to know that there are many sections on this site that are not
finished. I have been getting multiple e-mails a day telling me such and such section doesn't
work, or can you add this, or whatever. I am glad that this site is starting to get some
exposure. The problem is that I don't want my e-mail to fill up with trash. Please don't
e-mail me if I have marked that a section may be down because we haven't done it yet. If it
isn't marked, but it doesn't work, please, feel free to e-mail us then. Also, make sure that
you are e-mailing the person that runs that particular section on here. Currently, I am
'renovating' many parts of this site, so some sections may not work. These should be fixed
soon. Thank you all for your support of Patent Pending. --=MEGAߥTE
News Archive
History Archive
Section Information
- News and Introduction: This is the page you are at now. It contains info about this
site, tells what's new, and contains the history of this site [maintained by
- Emulators and Simulators: ALL known emulators and simulators for ALL known systems
[maintained by MEGAߥTE, Deezer, and DarkOrk]
- Emulation Utilities: Utilities for emulators, ROM hacking, and other development
tools [maintained by MEGAߥTE]
- Homebrewn and Legalized ROMs: Homebrewn Games and Demos and Legalized ROMs for many
systems [maintained by MEGAߥTE, DarkOrk, and Deezer]
- SaveRAMs and SaveStates: Helps you to get to a particular point in a certain game
[maintained by Deezer]
- ROM Translation Patches and Tables: Patches to translate ROMs and tables to help
you translate ROMs [maintained by MEGAߥTE]
- ROM Trainers and Improvement Patches: Patches to alter the way games play
[maintained by MEGAߥTE]
- Technical Information: Everything about console systems and emulators that we could
dig up [maintained by MEGAߥTE and DarkOrk]
- Video Game and Emulator Reviews: Our reviews and opinions on various video games
and emulators [maintained by MEGAߥTE]
- Video Game and Emulation Articles: Articles about various topics in the video
gaming and emulation community [maintained by MEGAߥTE]
- Video Game Guides and FAQs: Are you stuck in, or have questions about a game?
Maybe we can help! [maintained by RaG]
- Video Game Cheats and Codes: Cheats and codes for many games and many systems
[maintained by Netside]
- Video Game Music: MIDI, MODules, and other files of tunes from video games
[maintained by MEGAߥTE]
- Links and WebRings: Links to a few select sites and WebRings [maintained by
- Credits and Special Thanx: Staff info and places and people we'd like to thank
[maintained by MEGAߥTE]
- Site Information: Disclaimer, copyright info, viewing info, and copyright laws
[maintained by MEGAߥTE]
- This site will NOT contain commercial ROMs and software, so don't even ask... if
you do, prepare to be mail-bombed, publicly humiliated, or whatever we feel like doing to
What's Planned
- A message board (Perl CGI and/or HTMLScript)
- Tables comparing emulator capabilities
- Descriptions on all files
- A mirror site
- A video game history section
- ..and of course, completion of unfinished sections
How you can help
If the following would be donated, it would be much appreciated:
- Internet connection for MEGAߥTE: $25 for i-net plus $29 for 2nd
line per month
- A server connected to a dedicated T1/T3 with FTP support and
unlimited space/bandwidth. Shell access, POP3, and a domain name
www.pp.com or pp.host.com, etc. preferred
- Any cash / hardware / software donations, these can always be used
- Any updates and additions to any or all of our archives
- Please contact us if you can help!
Would you like to advertise on our site? The cost is only $3 a month to get on our rotating
banner which displays on the top of this page and on our links page in a section devoted just
to sponsors. If you want to test out this offer, put our banner at the top of your page and
we'll post your banner for one week free. Interested? Please contact
You may link to us using this button or banner, but you may NOT link to any of our files,
graphics, music, or texts.
<A HREF="http://netside.simplenet.com/pp"><IMG
SRC="http://netside.simplenet.com/pp/ppbtn.gif" WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=31 BORDER=0
ALT="Patent Pending NOW"></A>
<A HREF="http://netside.simplenet.com/pp"><IMG
SRC="http://netside.simplenet.com/pp/ppbnr.gif" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=40 BORDER=0
ALT="Visit Patent Pending"></A>
P E N D I N G !