Sega System 16

System Information:
   Main CPU is a Motorola 68000 at 10 Mhz with 64K RAM ( + video RAM )
   Sound CPU is a Zilog Z80 (at 4 Mhz ?)
   Sounds chip are Yamaha 2151 (FM) and 3012 (DAC)

Memory Map:
    $00000000   Main 68000 code + misc. data
    $00400000   Scroll video RAM
    $00410000   Fixed video RAM (text page) + video registers
    $00440000  Sprites control registers
    $00840000  Color memory (2048 palette registers)
    $00C40000  I/O Registers
    $FFFE0007  Used to control the Z80 program (for sound)
    $FFFFC000  Main RAM

Scroll Video Ram:
   The scroll video RAM can contain up to 16384 tiles (256 lines of 64
   characters). There are 2 bytes for each tile, this is the format:

     AAAAAAAA BBBBBBBB  B7->B0 Tiles number in the bank (256)
    +76543210+76543210+	A3->A0 Bank selector (16)
    +--------+--------+ A4     Bank page selection (32 banks/page, 256 chars/bank)                                                    
                        A5     Priority flag
                        A7->A6 *function not found yet*

   Colors: the color base register number is BANK * 4.

   Bank selection: If bit A4=0 the bank selected is the value of A3 to A0,
   if A4 is set to 1 the bank number is:
   (value of A3 to A0) * 16 * (value of byte $FFFFF095)

Fixed Video RAM
   The fixed video RAM can contain up to 2048 tiles (but only 26 lines of 42
   characters are used). There are 2 bytes for each tile, this is the format:

     AAAAAAAA BBBBBBBB  B7->B0 Tiles number in the bank (256)
    +76543210+76543210+	A0 Bank selector (0 or 1 only)
    +--------+--------+	A7->A1 Color selector

Color Video Ram:
   The color video RAM can contain up to 2048 color registers. The 1024 first
   registers are used for text and scroll video display and the last 1024 are
   used for sprites. There are 2 bytes for each register, this is the format:

     GBGRBBBB GGGGRRRR  R4->R0 Red value (0-15)
    +54443210+32103210+ G0->G5 Green value (0-31)
    +--------+--------+ B4->B0 Blue Value (0-15)

Main Ram:
   This memory contains, RAM, registers and SRAM.

   Some special bytes:
   F018: if bit5 is set 1, the screen is not updated
   F01C: Timer ?
   F01E: Sprites inactive if set to 0xFF
   FF00-FFFF : SRAM in Altered Beast and normal RAM in Shinobi.

Video Registers:
$410E98 Horizontal foreground scroll register (Word)
$410E9A Horizontal background scroll register (Word)
$410E90 Vertical background scroll register (Byte)
$410E92 Vertical foreground scroll register (Byte)
$418000 Refresh enable
        $20 Enable refresh
        $01 Clear screen
$418028 Video page selection register for background (Word)
$418038 Video page selection register for foreground (Word)
$440000 The sprites registers. There are 16 control bytes for each
$4403FF sprite (64 sprites maximum).
	0	bottom--	top-----	(screen coordinates)
	1	???????X	XXXXXXXX	(screen coordinate)
	2	???????F	FWWWWWWW	(flipx, flipy, logical width)
	4	????BBBB	PPCCCCCC	(attributes: bank, priority, color)
	5	??????ZZ	ZZZZZZZZ	zoomx
	6	??????ZZ	ZZZZZZZZ	zoomy (defaults to zoomx)
	7	?						"sprite offset"

    $00 : last sprite line on the screen
    $01 : first sprites line on the screen (sprites height = [00]-[01])
    $02 : high value of the sprite X position
    $03 : low value of the sprite X position (X = [02] * 256 + [03])
    $04 : horizontal sprite flipping flag (flip if value = 01)
    $05 : sprite width (real width = [05] * 2) (!! signed byte)
          if the bit7 is set to 1, the sprite is flipped vertically
    $06 : high value of sprite rom position 
    $07 : low value of sprite rom position
    $08 : sprite bank selector
          bit7-bit4 are always at 1 if the sprite is active
          bit3-bit0 is the sprite bank number (0-F)
    $09 : sprites priority and base color register selector
          bit7-bit6: 10 - foreground sprite
                    01 - background sprite
                    11 - sprite over everything
          bit5-bit0: base color registers (is 1024 + 16 * value)
    $0A : zoom function \
    $0B : zoom function - unknown format (never used in Shinobi)
    $0C to $0F are not used in current emulated games
    The sprite location in bank is ([06] * 256 + [07] + [05]) * 2

I/O Registers:
$C41003 1st Player Control
    Bit 0 - Magic   Bit 4 - Down
    Bit 1 - Attack  Bit 5 - Up
    Bit 2 - Jump    Bit 6 - Right
    Bit 3 - Unused  Bit 7 - Left
$C41007 2nd Player Control    same as 1P
$C41001 General Controls
    Bit 0 - Coin 1  Bit 4 - 1P Start
    Bit 1 - Coin 2  Bit 5 - 2P Start
    Bit 2 - Test    Bit 6 - Unused
    Bit 3 - Service Bit 7 - Unused
$C42001 Dip Switch settings #1 - Game configuration
$C42003 Dip Switch settings #2 - Coin configuration

Graphics Formats:
   The sprites: there are 4 bits / pixels (16 colors), colors 0 and 15 are
   used for transparency. There are 2 pixels coded in each byte, the first
   pixel coded in bit7 to 4 and the second in bit3 to 0.

   The tiles: the size is 8x8 pixels and there are 3 bits / pixels
   (8 colors), color 0 is used for transparency.

Sega System 16 Video Hardware:
    Each scrolling layer (foreground, background) is an arrangement
    of 4 pages selected from 16 available pages, laid out as follows:

	Page0  Page1
	Page2  Page3

    Each page is an arrangement of 8x8 tiles, 64 tiles wide, and
    32 tiles high.

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