Patent Pending
News Archive
August 1998

September 1998
» August 1998 «
July 1998
Patent Pending

  • Emulation News

NeoRAGE rumor - "It seems there a hacked version of Neo Rage going around that plays Metal Slug 2. I have not seen this hacked version, nor do I care to, as I wouldn't use it anyway. But there was something mentioned on Romlist earlier that a release of NR has been delayed because the authors are upset about this hack. I have not heard anything first hand, so I can not confirm this." - Dave's Video Game Classics

Zophar's Domain returns (yet again) - "Zophar's Domain was really never gone. However, we lost our domain Thankfully, we got back and all is peachy. Sorry for the confusion." - Infe, Zophar's Domain

  • Emulation News

PSEmu Pro info - "Tratax has made it official: PSEmu Pro is scheduled to be released sometime tomorrow. It's been a long time since the last PSEmu was released so lots has changed. First, PSemu is now a Windows-only program; the DOS original has been canceled. Second, PSEmu is much, much faster. It features full dynamic recompilation of the R3000 and includes 3dfx support. If you have an MMX or 3D-Now CPU, PSEmu Pro will run even faster. And since it's a Windows program, it will feature a GUI (although it's nothing spetacular). In preperation of PSEmu Pro's impending release Emulators Unlimited has conducted an interview with Tratax, and also features a few advance screenshots.
A new and unique feature to PSEmu is the ability for other programmers to write plugins for PSEmu. A plugin for PSEmu is a standard Win32 DLL developed to enhance PSEmu's functionality or performance. Because this technology is new (and not yet released) it's hard to say exactly where this will lead, but possible plugins could include optimized drivers for graphic or sound output, or joystick input. A developer kit will also be released that explains how write a PSEmu driver.
Again, PSEmu Pro is scheduled to be released tommorrow. According to the author, PSEmu Pro on a high-end PC will actually be faster(!) than a real Playstation on some games. Stay tuned..." - Emu News Service

Emulation Camp to return soon - "Zoop of Emulation Camp has informed me that their great emulation site will be returning soon. The are currently getting their server set up. Actually, it is already partially up, but he has asked that I not publish the URL until they officially open. Right now they are looking for some good file maintainers to work on EmuCamp. He says if they do not get some soon, they might not open at all. So if you are willing to do daily file and news updates on EmuCamp, send a mail to Zoop right away! I think you will be surprised at the new EmuCamp, but that's I am going to say. :)

  • Emulation News

ZSNES update - "For those of you who are wondering what's up with zsnes, we have been quite busy over the summer so it has been progressing quite slow, however, we have been preparing a new version. Anyways, here is the current progress :
Percentage Chart :
- Sprite Correction into 8bit new gfx engine - 100%
- Mosaic into 8bit new gfx engine - 100%
- Highres + interlaced modes into 8b newgfx eng - 100%
- Offset Per Tile mode into 8bit new gfx engine - 95% (bug. See below)
- SPCPlay v0.200 engine and features into Zsnes - 100%
- New Graphics Engine 16bit (primary functions) :
-- tile/line engine - 90% (bug. See below)
-- Sprite Priorities - 100%
-- Palette Raster Effects - 100%
-- Full&Half Add/Sub support - 100%
-- BG Transparencies - 80% (need some extra routines)
-- Mode7 Transparencies - 0% (not started. should be quick to implement)
-- Sprite Transparencies - 0% (not started. Need BG transparencies to be 100%)
- New GUI (Mouse Based/Menu Driven) - 85% (some options missing)
- Rewrite input Device routines - 0% (should be quick to implement)
Extras :
- Improved Compatibility with sound on
- 8-bit stereo sound
Problems left to fix :
- Offset per tile mode in 8bit new graphics engine makes Yoshi Island incredibly slow at times.
- 16x16 tile mode in 16bit new graphics engine causes tiles to be corrupt and often crashes zsnes.
- New GUI file system doesn't seem to like some systems. Gotta investigate this.
We don't know when it will be released so don't ask." - ZSNES Homepage

Retrocade udpate - "Alex Pasadyn has joined the Retrocade team to work on his 34010 emulation in ASM! Alex and Neil will be working together on the CPU core in pure ASM for maximum performance. Don't assume this will run at all speed on something like a P100 however. This is a VERY advanced processor, with a minimum of 40mhz, meaning, you will be lucky to see games running at full speeed even on my p233, even in RC. Also, Release Candidate #1 should be available for beta testers soon, meaning a public release is getting closer and closer." - Dave's Video Game Classics

PSEmu Pro udpate - "The Fox of Emu Unlimited has conducted an interview with Tratax, of PSEmuPRO. In the interview, there is a lot mentioned about the next release of PSEPro, as well as some screen shots. They also mention that a RELEASE will be available this coming Monday! Check out the interview. Of course, when the emulator is released, it will be posted here." - Dave's Video Game Classics

  • Note from Mß

Okay, I have decided I will start updating soon.. I have revamped and updated nearly everything now, as you can see from the sidebar. The first number is how much of the site is ready, and the second number on the side bar means how much is actually available here. This includes both files and pages. All that really remains is file transfer, finishing the Emulator section, and adding new sections/sub-sections. We might have more maintainers soon. Deezer is working on the Manuals, etc. section. I am working on the Game Genie Codes now, as well. If this site does happen to get shut down, you can always find us at (if Monolith is up, of course). I'm in school now, so I *might* have even more time to work on this site. Maybe the emulator section will be done by the end of September? :)


  • Emulation News

Retrocade udpate - "Yesterday, Jeff the Riffer posted an update about Retrocade in our Retrocade Message board. Today, the official page has been updated with some more info. The latest additions to Retrocade include dip-switch settings support in the GUI, game state saving and loading support, screendumps in JPEG format, numerous optimizations, and a set of new games including Burgertime, Snow Bros, and Arch Rivals. It mentions mentions, that contrary to the rumor some lamer started about Retrocade being commerical, the first version will in fact be Free. The most recently added games to Retrocade include: Arch Rivals, Burgertime, Snow Bros." - Dave's Video Game Classics

JoseQ's EmuViews down again - "It seems that the people at Communitech are giving Jose fits about roms he stores on his own machine. Due to communitech's inability to cope with a script based site like EmuViews, Jose has shut down again, and may not return. :( This is certainly bad news for emulation fans, as Jose's site was one of the best IMO. However, on the flipside, If you're thinking of joining a webhosting service, wait a couple of weeks for JoseQ's SpeedHost to appear. :)." - Dave's Video Game Classics


  • Emulation News

Next NeoRAGE to have sound? - "According to ROMLIST, Janne and Anders have announced that sound support is being worked on, and they will release a new version, WITH SOUND, asap! Also, if you are a fan of Art of Fighting 2, make s ure you keep your previous version of Neo Rage, as this update has some problems with that." - Dave's Video Game Classics

  • Emulation News

Zophar's Domain returns - "On behalf of the ZD staff, I'd like to apologize to our viewers about the down time.
Apparently a Mae-West upgrade went bad, causing Mae-East routers to suffer and die.
But.....we're back:)" - SG, Zophar's Domain

SloMo author leaves emulation - "We got a letter from the author of SloMo and here's what it said:
'Dear leaders of your respective sites, Due to the events of the past couple days, the bugging, nagging, and so on of people mad about PCSloMo, even despite the fact of not doing it, because I can't compile, but anyway... I have decided to part from the scene, or whatever is left of it. If you want to post a note on your site, it's your decision. Thanks for helping me out in any way you did. I have put up a small message at Thanks and goodbye for now, Don Jarrett'
Well, we wish you the best of luck, Don." - XiP, Zophar's Domain

98.08.18 Icer x.xx released!! ;)
  • Emulation News Tech Info Requested - "Shawn Carter and Tony Crowe are hoping to put together a emulator. If they succeed, it will be the first ever emulator for So far they have collected some information regarding the CPU and some other specs, but they need more. If you can help, contact them at" - Emu News Service

Emulation Zone Status - "The long standing site, Emulation Zone, is in danger of closing down.
'This month, the Emulation Zone will be celebrating our second year of existence! But this could be our last yearly celebration. After this month, I will no longer be able to work on this page full time like I have in the past. With my absence, I'm afraid this page may perish. I refuse to let this happen while I still have time to steer this page away from this fate. If you are interested in helping us out here at the Emulation Zone, or want more info on our current situation then please check out' - Andrew Wolan" - Emu News Service

  • Emulation News

NSFE update - "Gordon Hollingworth has announced that Denis Oliver Kropp has joined the NSFE team. Denis is experienced with both OpenGL and DirectX programming. His main task will be to work on the graphics side while Gordon works on the hardware emulation. With both Gordon and Denis working together on NSFE, development should go a lot smoother and faster. NSFE is a Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows." - Emu News Service

Raine update - "Now for the latest on Raine ... A new game has been added, Tecmo Knight. WWF Superstars is now playable and has sound support." - Emu News Service

  • Emulation News

Q-emuLator update - "Q-emuLator 1.1 will be able to read QXL.WIN files and to access subdirectories on QDOS floppy disks, Windows file system and QXL.WIN files. Some graphics operations (filled blocks, text output, etc.) will be faster, and the emulated QL will be able to have up to 16M of RAM. The full version of Q-emuLator 1.1 will be available for free to all registered users." - Chris Hickman, Archaic Ruins

  • Emulation News

nEMU returns! (sorta) - " I don't feel like telling my whole life on nEMU. So I will be short. First of all, you must all know the final result made me sad. The hack of the homepage of snes9x wasn't at all of me (to kill rumors that were floating around). The first think I really wanted to do is to write down what I was thinking of the emulation. But because of some horrible shit that happened in my life, I got down, very down. And I was seeing everything in black. Like I said, I don't feel like telling my problems to everyone so belive me please. Now hmm, I need some good sleep and a cold beer. I'll update what I missed tomorrow..." - [-NiRv-]

PCSloMo Virus Alert!! - "This is a warning to anyone who downloaded PCSloMo version 0.23br1 yesterday. It was infected with the win95.cih virus. If you downloaded it yesterday, it is strongly recommended that you run a virus checker immediately and delete the file from your computer. Author Don Jarrett has placed a disinfected version of the PCSloMo binary on his webpage which you can safely download." - Emu News Service

MAME update - "Lots happening with MAME while I was gone.One of the new games added is Max RPM, a Bally/MCR games, thanks to Aaron Giles. Also, with all the rumors about the possibility of Neo Geo support in the next beta, Nicola has now confirmed that Neo Geo support will in fact be included in V0.34 beta 1. With the addition of the Neo Geo games, the next beta release (coming very soon) will have about 50 or so new games. As always, once its released, it will be posted here, with all the ROMs." - Dave's Video Game Classics

New Snes9X soon - "The Teach has revealed that a new beta of the Windows95 port of Snes9x will be made public this weekend. Which is good news for all those that use Windows95... which is er.... how many... oh... all of us... so this is good news for all of us :)" - Secain, SNES Emulation Centre

  • Notes from Mß

For the past year and a half I had thought that NCSA Mosaic would not recognize embedded tables. I just now realized that v3.0 does recognize them. Therefore I am going to starting using embedded tables. I am already experimenting as you can see. I also finally added the WEB rating a few days ago.

Patent Pending is currently on Simplenet. Remember what happened to Emulation Camp, JoseQ's Emuviews, and others? I do not want to draw a lot of attention by adding all the stuff we're missing. What I'm saying is that I haven't been updating any of the archives. Whatever files are here are from 98.04.20 and before. DO NOT mail me with updates. DO NOT demand that I fix links. DO NOT demand that I put xxxxx section online. I WILL NO LONGER reply. You are lucky you're getting what you are. Frankly, I'm surprised that I haven't gotten any ROM requests... Anyway, I may start updating soon anyway if our new server isn't up before school starts (20th).

  • Emulation News

Next MAME beta to have NEO-GEO support? - "The MacEmu mailing list is reporting that the next beta of MAME will have Neo Geo support. This has not yet been confirmed, but the MacEmu mailing list is a highly reliable source of news. Stay tuned for further details... " - Emu News Service

System 16 Update - "The latest from the System 16 camp is that the next release will have full sound support in Out Run, Space Harrier and Super Hang-On! These games all use Sega's 6 channel PCM sound chip, which up until now has a weak spot for System 16. No release date is known as of yet. System 16 is a multi-arcade game emulator. Ports exist for DOS, Windows 95 and Linux." - Emu News Service

TG-16 ROM Needs Testing - "Jamsponge, author of HU6280, has released a sample TG16/PC Engine program and is asking for people to test it on a real machine.
'I uploaded a little PC Engine cycle counter onto my HU6280 page. I'm looking for someone to test this on a REAL PC Engine and tell me the value printed on screen. Obviously this will only work for people with a PC-Engine copier.'
If you can help him, please do." - Emu News Service

  • Emulation News

Insert Coin in RealAudio - "Shane Monroe, author of the MAME FAQ and webmaster of Insert Coin has started a weekly show in Real Audio format, called Retro Radio. Be sure to check it out when you drop by IC." - Daves' Video Game Classics

Retrocade update - "Neil has gotten 42 games working with the save/load states, with more on the way, time permitting! The average size of all the games in saved state is around 15-20K. On the extreme ends of things, Major Havoc is 147K (the biggest), Star Wars is 63K, Super Space Invaders is 6K, Food Fight is 5K, and Space Wars is 4K!. Expect more games to be able to save by the time the public release is available. - Daves' Video Game Classics

  • Emulation News

Zophar's Domain returns! - Well people, you waited long enough! Zophar's Domain (or maybe we should call it Nomad's Domain) has finally returned. Although I'm not going to get into the exact details of why it went down, and what happened at this time, rest assured that it shouldn't go down again...if all goes well.
This has been a really lousy week for me. It ended with my hard drives being erased by the Win95.CIH virus...ironically, I had installed Windows 98 a few days prior to that. Basically, I lost everything. The virus slipped right by Norton AntiVirus 4.0...and NO, I didn't run the MK4 trainer ;)
Well, although this has been the worst 2 weeks of my life, next to my grandparents dying last year, I'm not giving up! I once said that if ZD has to go to geocities to survive, it would! Well, thankfully, it's still here, and it's not at geocities either ;)
Give us some time to do the updates (we missed a LOT in the 2 weeks we were down), and I have to download all of ZD all over we should be all set and up to date in a few days!
So what have I been doing since ZD has been down? Well, I purchased Diablo, StarCraft, and FF7 PC! If any of you are ever on, you might just find me on there as Zophar, so feel free to challenge me. :) I also have a fulltime job now, and will be going to college in about a month, so it looks like things are coming together well. - Zophar, Zophar's Domain

Emulation Camp to return soon! - "Emulation Camp will return to the internet pretty soon as well, we finally found a gracious host (unlimited bandwidth/space and no cost to us, too). Expect coverage of all console and most arcade and computer emulators for all systems (none of this "DOS, Windows, and a little Unixoid" crap) as well as a few new things which I'll keep under my hat for right now.
Also, haven't you noticed how slow Emu News and Daves are to responding to news lately without some real competition? :-)" - lilac, posting on Zophar's Message Domain

  • Emulation News

MESS to release public betas - "The MESS Development team has announced that a new public beta of MESS 0.2 will be released shortly, probably this weekend. A lot of changes will be in version 0.2, including support for Apple ][ Series, Atari 800, Atari 5200, Bally Astrocade, Kaypro 2x, PDP-1, Sega Master System/Game Gear and Vectrex. You can also expect substantial improvements in compatibility in the Sega Genesis driver." - Emu News Service

  • Note from Jasun Grenier

Unfortuneatley some issues has arrisen that are making it difficult to get the space ready in time as planned. I still am going to get the Hard Disk installed and ready, but it is going to take an arbitrary amount of time.
All I can tell you to do is hold on for now, and keep your stuff archived until I send the next email giving you the infrmation to uploadt the site.

  • Emulation News

MasterGear and other info - "Panutat Tejasen has released a Windows CE port of Marat Fayzullin's Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator. This is the first ever SMS/GG emulator for Microsoft's new operating system. Additionally, Panutat is working on GameBoy, NES and Colecovision emulators for Windows CE. Not only that, but Marat has revealed that a Windows 9x/NT port of MasterGear is being developed and has now reached the beta testing stage. Stay tuned for further details..." - Emu News Service

nEMU to return? - "The extremely popular nEMU site previously stored on the Asmith Network has unfortunately been taken offline by the webmaster. However, it will be returning better than ever, and in a very interesting new format. Nothing I'm allowed to tell you, but it's nothing you'll guess either. They're currently rallying their release dates and setup, more news on this as it develops." - Asmith Network Hosted Websites [Thanx to Rage for the mail.]

  • Emulation News

System 16 update - "Great news for System 16 fans. System 16 can now emulate the YM3438 FM sound chip (used by System 18 games) - without the use of samples! Thanks to the work of Tatsuyuki Satoh, Hiromitsu Shioya and Kathleen Garcia, the PCM sound chip wil also be supported. No release date for the next release of System 16 is known as of yet." - Emu News Service








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