 | NSFE update -
Here's the latest word from Gordon Hollingworth on the status of his Nintendo 64 emulator:
"Currently the OpenGL graphics core is being written. The October release has been postponed
for a short time due to a few major bugs found in the software. We (myself and Ben Marsh)
want to hold off release until we can deliver something stable and worthwhile to everyone who
is waiting for the emu." | ![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
 | MAME update -
Welp, today is the day for MAMEDEV members. We have been given the TMS34010 drivers! The games
that are playable include: Smash Tv, Total Carnage, Mortal Kombat, Narc, Strike Force, Trog
(prototype and release versions), Hi Impact Football, Super Hi Impact.
The games not yet playable include: T2-Arcade, Mortal Kombat 2, and NBA Jam. The games that
are playable do feature sound, accurate colors, etc. However, my p233 just simply isn't fast
enough to really use these games. Unless some last minute optimizations are made, you will
need probably AT MINIMUM for a p2/350 or so for decent playability, but this is just my
estimation. As far as if it will make the next beta, there are NO guarantees, but my opinion
is yes, it will. Over the weekend, and next week I will have some screen shots of the
aforementioned games.
In other game driver news, Champion Baseball (one of my all time favorites), now has fixed
graphics. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | nEMU 1st Anniversary -
Yep, it's the first birthday of nEMU. Although it was.. hmm.. discontinued for a little while,
it's officialy the first birthday of nEMU. Let's all hope we will see some nice release today
to celebrate the halloween. :) | ![[nEMU]](s-ne.gif) |
Well, not much reason to change
the color scheme today seeing how our page is already black and orange.. Well Deezer has
reuploaded everything up through NES, and I am continuing to work on the pages.. I have had
no response from our two hosting offers, but Netside tells me he can possibly get us a
dedicated server. Also, apparently SimpleNet has been bought out or something and is under
new ownership, if that will effect us, I don't know. I'll keep you
posted. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
How to fix
Soundcard crash: This isn't guaranteed to work, as some soundcards just plain suck, but
hopefully it will. My 8-bit WSS card did. 1. In the PIF (Shortcut) settings, change Initial
Environment setting to 512 or higher. 2. Depending on your soundcard, you might or might not
have to make the following adjustments in the zsnes.cfg: Sound = 1, SoundRate = 2 (or less),
Stereo = 0 ReverseStereo = 0, Force8bit = 1 Some people have gotten it to work with better
settings and some haven't gotten it to work at all, but hopefully at least ZSNES won't crash
when you have sound enabled.
Mario Kart no item pickup: You have the corrupted ROM. The good one is floating around.
Or you can attempt to patch your old one.
Tales of Phantasia black screen: I don't know if this will work, but I have been told that if
you split the SMC file, it will work.
If you still have problems, try the ZSNES Message Board. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | Lazarus
shut down -
Lazarus, the incredibly popular Amiga emulation website, has been shutdown by computer giant,
Gateway 2000. A short but to the point message was posted on the Lazarus website today:
"Gateway 2000, Inc. acting for Amiga Development LLC. demanded that this site be taken down
immediately for posting and distributing illegally copyrighted software
"The site will remain suspended for the remaining of the investigation."
Thanks to Aengus B. for the e-mail. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
98.10.26 - Damnit, the ZSNES sound quit working again, at least the chip emulation is
good :)
RPGe returns -
As expected, RPGe has returned! The site has been redesigned and looks good! Not all files
are available yet, so just be patient. There have apparently been some patch
updates. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | fwNES98 v0.3
update -
The Chinese fwNES page has
been updated today with news about the upcoming version of fwNES for DOS. Here's what was
posted (translated): New with fwNES 0.30 DOS:
- A whole new GUI which you can define the color it looks
- A set of powerful tools to help you go through the game without pain....that is code
- Totally 8 memory files in .RT? format to save the game to continue
- Save snapshop in .PCX
- Now, there is an .INI which saves automatically
- To support more than dozens soundcard....PCI soundcard supported
- Support gamepad with 2,4,6,8 buttoms and allow you to connect MS Sidewinder up to 4.Also
is SNESPAD up to 4.
- Supply with 8 modes graphic display: 320x200, 256x240, 256x224, 256x256,
256x256(scanline), 640X480(VESA 2.0), 640X480 (VESA 2.0 with scanline), 640X480(VESA
2.0 with Emulation of TV)
Thanks to DogHuang for the e-mail. | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | DarkMazda's Domain update -
As you may know, DarkMazda's Domain (home of AAGT) has been down for a few weeks. I was
talking to DarkMazda, and he said that his site will be back soon and will have a new look. He
also said that a new Rockman & Forte patch will be out soon. I'll keep you informed
-=o] | ![[Zophar's Domain - XiP]](s-zd-xp.gif) |
update (NEO-GEO sound) -
Believe it or not, there are even MORE speed ups to the Neo Geo games in MAME. Now on my
p233, i can play (puzzle bobble at least) with only 1 frameskip and sample rate 22000, instead
of frameskip 2! Pretty amazing, considering before sound support was ever added, i had use at
least 1 frameskip in every game anyway. Other Neo Geo tidbits include:
- Very accurate scaling support, including full screen zooms. No more 'missing tiles'
on zoomed graphics.
- All games for which rom dumps are available are now supported. 99% of them are
- Several games have experimental 68000 idle cycle skipping, for these games you should see
increases of between 5% and 20%.
Superman has been added to MAME. The game has accurate colors, but no sound support or high
score save yet. It is the same set supported by RAINE, so you are urged to download the ROMs
from here now. It is not known if it will be in the next beta release, or some release
Chris Moore is working on a driver for Cheeky Mouse. This appears to run on the same hardware
as Cosmic Monster (Univeral 1980). | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | RAINE update -
Mario Silva has updated the official Raine page with news that: Cabal now has sound, all
Nichibutsu games (Armed Formation, Terra Cresta & Terra Force) have been fixed and include
sound support. Also, you can expect a major speedup in all Taito F3 games and some nice
changes in some games like Elevator Action
2. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | RockNES
v0.57 release date set -
The next release of RockNES is due out next weekend!
"In the next weekend, a new version will be out, RockNES 0.57. It´s the best version since the
scanline engine addition. Just more stable, with more speed, but no *big* changes."
http://www.emucamp.com/rocknes |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
- Video Game Manuals, Etc. - NEW
Quick notes -
Not worth creating whole articles for, here is a bit of info:
- The DOS port of Snes9X is now maintained by Cyber Warrior X.
- An update to SNEmul should be released tomorrow.
- EmuCamp should return November 1st. (Sneak Peak)
- Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight if you have Daylight Savings
| ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | Snes9X
rumor shot down -
There have been some rumours about the bug that's in the current DOS version of Snes9x,
preventing it from running Mario Kart. It was rumoured to be intentionally inserted. Here's
an e-mail from Cyber Warrior X clearing things up:
I'm just emailing you to clear this up. The bug in Snes9x Dos Port was never "intentional" (as
was said on www.zophar.net). It was some bug in allegro where it didn't like how the DSP1
emulation and the Sound emulation were both using float pointing values simultaneously.
Gary's finally got rid of all the floating point code in the Sound Emulation and now it works
without crashing.
Hope that clears things up. | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | Juno First update -
On a side note, as I was cleaning up some links, I noticed that Juno First, an arcade emulator
for Win9X, may not be dead after all. From the homepage:
19/10/98 - Nothing major, just a move from my old ISP to new ISP. I'm still snowed under at
work and will be for at least another month or two. I am working on Juno when I get a chance
and I will release it when it's ready to ship. There is a bug in the TnF emulation which
causes a crash in the hammer throwing.. It will be fixed in the next version along with the
RType I bug. My new email address is
but I probably won't be able to check it very regularly. My
chrish@kcbbs.gen.nz email account hopefully will stay
alive for a while. Try this email address in preference to the freeserve
one. | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
update (34010) -
Zsolt Vasvari, one of the members working on the 34010 game drivers for MAME has sent us some
VERY impressive screen shots of the games. The games look darn near perfect now, and it
should be available to all MAMEDEV members soon, and possibly included in a public beta
release in the near future, although I don't know if it will make Beta 6's release.
Click here
to view the impressive screen shots. Games include: High Impact, Mortal Kombat, NARC, Smash
TV, Strike Force, T2 Arcade, Total Carnage and Trog.
Super Space Invaders '91 now has working sound, compliments of Ernesto
Corvi. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | MAME NEO-GEO sound
info -
There have been numerous questions asked about exactly how good the MAME Neo Geo sound
emulation is. I will hopefully answer a couple questions here. First and foremost, I am no
expert on the Neo Geo, as I rarely ever played a game on it, aside from Puzzle Bobble. Despite
this, the sound emulation seems incredibly accurate to me, but again I'm obviously no expert.
Do all games have sound emulation? No. Some MAY be bad sound rom dumps, others may just be
bugs not discovered yet. Games in this genre include: Metal Slug and Twinkle Star Sprites, to
name a few. This was mentioned to me by a MAME developer. I'd say the majority of the games
do have sound however. Also, with the latest patch, the speed is better on my p233. I can now
run most games at frameskip 2, and a sample rate of of 22000, instead of 11000 which i
mentioned a couple days ago. View Point seems to be the fastest, as I can run this with only
1 frameskip. Finally, when will it be out? There is no answer to this. The newly added sound
support is NOT guaranteeded to be included in the next beta release, although *I THINK* it may
be. DO NOT hassle the authors about this, or anything else. More news as it
happens. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | Retrocade
update -
Yes, Retrocade is alive and well. Some news to report: All of the Cinematronics games will
have dip switch settings in beta 2, which should be along in a few days to testers, in
addition to "cabinet" mode where you can redefine (by way of an .INI file) most of Retrocade's
internal "critical" system function keys to make things easy to use in an arcade cabinet.
There is also a new compression program used on the binary that compressed the exe down to
675k! More news here as it happens. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
Of PSX Emulators -
There has been lots of movement lately in the PSX emulation community.
Emulators Unlimited has conducted another
"E-mail Wars" (24) this time with Duddie and Tratax of PSEmu. If you can read through the
unedited IRC transcript, then you will find they talked about the next PSEmu Pro (it will be
released when they feel like it), a little bit about bleem (it's real, but not "perfect") and
PSyKe (it will be continued), why Duddie returned to working on PSEmu, and some IRC nonsense.
JoseQ's Emuviews has posted another article
about bleem. This time, it's
"The Big If..." which discusses some things that might happen if bleem is
indeed released next week as all it has said to be. Again,
EmuXpress has some new
screentshots apparently from bleem. The next two weeks may be very interesting for PSX
emulation. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | MAMEnet status
update -
Its been awhile since there has been news about this, but quoting directly from the official
page: "MAMEnet has been set aside for a little while. We hope to crack open the code soon and
eventually get it into the official MAME releases. Due to the long waits between MAME and
MAME32 releases, we are considering using DOS as our main test and development platform. So
much to do, so little time..." | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | New Retro Radio
broadcast -
Shane Monroe has released a new edition of Retro Radio. This episode is worth a listen (about
19 mins long). If you have been tired of certain companies hassling sites or people about
these classic games and roms (I wouldn't name any names), then this episode outta make you
laugh. I know I did. :-) You will need the latest version of Real's G2 player to hear
this. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | fwNES98
next release info -
FanWen, author of fwNES, the NES emulator which supports the most mappers out of any other NES
emulator, has posted a message on the official Vertigo/fwNES board concerning when the next
release would be and what would be new...
FanWen's Message | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | GrayBox
update -
Arthur Langereis, the author of GrayBox (NES emulator for Macintosh) has updated his website
with the latest news on his emulator. Graybox is being split into 2 different versions.
GrayBox Classic will be a continuation of the existing GrayBox. According to Arthur, it will
be a no-nonsense, fast NES emulator for slower computers. This emulator will be gradually
phased out. After the initial release of Graybox Classic the only improvements will be to fix
existing bugs or to increase compatibility.
The second version will be called GrayBox Z - "Macintosh NES emulation flagship" for those
that want the very best. This is being completely redesigned from the ground up. While it will
be slower than GrayBox Classic, it will have more features such as an NES programing
environment (debugger, disassembler, etc.). You can also expect a stand-alone NES compiler as
For the complete news story, just follow this
link. | ![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
RPG Net shut down -
RPG Net grew so popular and large in the past year that it required too much bandwidth and
the owners ended up with a $400 bill. It is planned to be back in November. Mike, the emu
director of RPG Net left some very interesting comments:
- Barubary of RPGe who did the original ff5 patch, is making a ff5PSX patch.. coo
- Seiken Densetsu 3 translation should be done in the few comming months. the translator
(som2freak) just needs to translate the script.
- Bahamut Lagoon. This is the game I am translating, and yes it is squaresoft. I really
reccomend you guys try it, its like FFT without the class system, and good graphics.
- Bleem is real. Yes it plays all psx games at a decent speed. A friend of mine is a beta
tester. (for those of you who dont know, bleem was a rumored PERFECT PSX emulator)
- RPGe is not dead, no will it ever be.
- Final Fantasy 4-6 on PSX (english) Im sorry guys, this will not happen... your best bet?
import 4 5. and find 6 somewhere. Nor will ff1-3 nes.
- I wont leave emulation until i see that it becomes worse. I was really disgusted at some
of the people on the message board asking for roms. I don't believe that games that were
releaed 2 weeks ago should be free roms.
| ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
- Emulators and Simulators
- PSX - PSEmu Pro v1.09 for Win32
- This was NOT meant to be a public beta release! It is a leaked private build and
should NOT be distributed!
 | New NEO-GEO emulator with sound? -
According to ROMLIST, there are rumors going around of a new Neo Geo emulator in development
that has sound effects (no music), currently only supporting Puzzle Bobble. Is it real? Only
time will tell. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
RPGe shut down.. for now
RPGe, one of the oldest and best translation groups has been shut down temporarily. The
RPGe page is gone, and all that is left is "A Memory". Here is what the page says:
"I was in a very destructive mood, so I've decided to shut down RPGe. If you're going to
complain, complain to those people who didn't read our feedback page before sending e-mail.
Complain to those people who continuously sent me e-mail saying, "please translate ____" or
asking "how do I apply a patch"... Complain to those people who STILL send me e-mail telling
me that I don't update my site often enough. This is a HOBBY, for god's sake! Some guy sent an
e-mail asking what he was doing wrong when he was dragging the .ips file onto IPS.EXE.
That's when I felt like I'd had it.
I know I sound like a jerk but I've had enough.
If you'd care to leave a message, drop us a note. Our e-mail is
Till we meet again..."
BUT if you view the source, you'll see this message which is commented out of the viewable
<!-- RPGe will be back. I promise you, it will. -->
<!-- I just need time to think. Alone. -->
<!-- Thanks for your support. -harmony7 -->
So, we'll just have to wait for their return. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
bleem author interviewed -
Dragon¥en of EliteGamer has interviewed the author of bleem. It is quite long, and answers
a great many questions people had about this possible vaporware PSX emulator. After
reading this, is seems that this emulator could indeed be very real. The beta release date
is set for one week after PSEmu Pro's release. There is just too much stuff to talk about, so
I urge you to just go a read it yourself.
You can find the interview here. You be the judge. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | PSyKe feature
in Next Generation Magazine -
Those of you who received the November issue of Next Generation in the mail today should turn
to page 4. Their number one story for the month is about (you guessed it!) emulation.
Specifically, it mentions PSyKe and the possibility that it could be ported over to Sega's
Dreamcast system. One thing they did hint at which I would like to say outright here is that
if anything, emulators can actually increase sales for CD-ROM based systems. This is because
most of the money companies like Sony make is from software, not hardware:
"Hardware has long been the least profitable end of any console's business model, and so, from
a financial viewpoint, the emulator ought to have very little effect on Sony."
- Next Generation, November 1998
Since very few people (if any) would actually download a complete PlayStation game over the
'net (aka World Wide Wait), software sales could actually increase from working, fully
playable Playstation emulators. | ![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
 | Jaguar Tech Info Request -
_DrMario_, author of a Phoenix arcade emulator is looking into emulating the Atari Jaguar. If
anyone has any tech info, he would greatly appreciate the help. You can contact him at
jason@spis.net. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
 | Mac Retrocade info -
The Macintosh port of Retrocade is still under construction. The author says that it should
be ready for release in a few more weeks. (Progress was delayed by CodeWarrior Pro 4's
optimizer, which introduced several errors into the code.) | ![[emulation.net]](s-em.gif) |
update -
If you were happy about MAME adding Neo Geo support, the next release or two outta make you
really happy. :-) I have been told by a developer that as many as 22 new games could be added
to the next release, or some version thereafter. 18 new drivers are working such as Samuari
Showdown 3, Magical Drop 3, Savage Reign, etc and 4 don't quite work well yet, such as Metal
Slug 2, Super Side Kicks 2, etc. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | WinUAE update -
Lazarus is reporting: "WINUAE 0.8.6 R4 REACHES BETA TESTERS 05/10/98 The latest beta of WinUAE
features a number of enhancements, although some major bugs are still being ironed out before
its public release. The new version feels smoother than recent betas and has finally done away
with the ugly DOS console. The GUI sports some new sections, and sound emulation is
approaching perfection. Look out for its official release soon." Thanks to Snoopy for the
info. | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
New EmuTools release -
A new version of EMUTools has just been released and can be obtained from
GBLIST has been changed. It is now based on a more recent version of GBCarts library which
recognizes new MBCs, ROM sizes, and attributes. GBDASM and several other programs have also
been minorly changed. There is also a documentation available now. It is in HTML form and
can be viewed from the WWW page given above.
Also coming: new EMULib with TMS9918 and AY8910 emulation modules and updates to the CPU
emulation modules. Also, there will be a guide on how to use EMULib and CPU emulators.
Marat Fayzullin | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | Views on BLEEM -
Many of you may have been reading on various emulation news sites that a secret PSX emulator
known as BLEEM, supposedly in the works, will be able to run almost all PSX games at a great
speed on a P166, and other 'too good to be true' sounding details. JoseQ of
JoseQ's Emuviews has done
a news article
about BLEEM, exposing it for the phony that it may very well be! I urge you to check out
his article, he actually spoke to the BLEEM 'author' and he had some very interesting things
to say. Remember though, this is just JoseQ's opinion, not necessarily
ZD's. | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
- Video Game and Emulation Articles
- Computer Game Strategy Plus Magazine -
Getting MAMEd -
Thanks to Zophar's Domain and Infe
 | Retrocade
update -
Retrocade has gone into the beta testing stages for V1.1. Galaga and Dig Dug are in and
working great! Also, the Pacman game sounds are improved a bit. Other additions include Power
Drive support (MCR game), scanlines for certain video modes, and other things. More news will
be posted as it happens. I can also tell you that the new history of games feature in
Retrocade is AWESOME! | ![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | Nofrendo II
update -
Here's the latest on Matt Conte's Nofrendo emulator.
After having his computer stolen (along with Nofrendo's source code) Matt has decided to start
over and continue on with it. He posted this progress report on his webpage today:
- Core emulation complete
- Rewrote graphics engine from scratch
- Custom GUI hits puberty
- Sprite priorities still broken- need to think or something
- Square Wave, Triangle, DPCM sound channels working
- Save/Load state working
- Mappers 0,1,2,3,4,7 functional
Nofrendo is an NES emulator for DOS. | ![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
DarkMazda's Domain update -
If you'd read his site, you'd know that DarkMazda.com was supposed to be up today, but due to a
broken promise, it's not. DarkMazda is looking for someone with at least 20MB of webspace to
host his site. If you can help, please e-mail DarkMazda at
drkmazda@earthlink.net. His site is currently
still up at on Sycraft's
server. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
NES World closing
down -
Personally, I really hope this doesn't happen, because NES World is THE BEST Nintendo site
that has is, was, and ever shall be. However, this is what their page says:
"If you've checked the messageboard or were on the NESletter distribution list you kinda knew
this was comming.
I've decided to close NES WORLD for an unknown period of time. I originally posted a message on
the messageboard because I didnt wanna bother updating, but a few people claimed it was a fake
note on the board, so I had to update.
I've had too many bad experiences regarding NES WORLD lately, and I cant take anymore crap. The
NESletter subscription list was used by a number of people to promote their own site or just
send spam mail.... the messageboard was completely screwed up by a couple of guys who obviously
had nothing better to do than type in a lot of crap.
The Internet aint what it used to be, I guess it's mostly 12 yr old kids on crack now, and I
dont feel the same support or concern for NES WORLD anymore, so I believe its time to take a
break. I dont know if this is forever yet, but I'll figure that out soon.
Thanks to all of you who actually did care (Hessel Meun for all your pics, please keep 'em
see ya!
NOTE: noone will get permission to use parts of NES WORLD.... so dont
ask. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | PSyKe article in Next
Generation Magazine -
Here is the e-mail received from Grant Hollis regarding Psyke (a playstation emulator) in a
recent magazine:
Thought you should know that Psyke is also in the latest issue of Next Generation (November
issue). The article also states more information on the "playstation:-sega Dreamcast
emulator". Check it out if you get the chance.
Thanx goes to Grant Hollis for the e-mail. | ![[Zophar's Domain - |\|itro]](s-zd-nt.gif) |
 | Mac Snes9X
v1.1 info -
Several readers have written to ask when they can expect a Macintosh port of SNES9X 1.1.
Unfortunately, it might take a while. The core emulation code has not changed at all from
version 1.0.9--unfortunately, it remains a mystery why Mario Kart works on Intel processors
but not on the Mac. The networking code introduced in 1.1 is not yet portable; this is why
the DOS version does not support networking. When the network code is rewritten for
portability, I'll attempt to bring it to the Macintosh, but this will be my first serious
networking project, so it may not happen overnight. | ![[emulation.net]](s-em.gif) |
- Video Game and Emulation Articles
nEMU is back! (again) -
Though it was a long while coming, nEMU
is back! They have a new (and even better) layout, and it looks like it's here to stay!
The last time nEMU went down, it was because nIRV apparently got disgusted with emulation
and that was when he posted that infamous report on
Snes9X. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
VGB 1.3 advance info -
I have just received a mail from Marat Fayzullin about the upcoming VGB 1.3. Included are
two screenshots from the Color Gameboy!
"Attached are some Color GameBoy screenshots from the upcoming version of Virtual GameBoy. The
game shown is a Japanese DragonQuest Monsters.
Although the screenshots show both CGB colors and SGB screen border, the actual game obviously
uses only one of those (there is no SuperCGB :)). Virtual GameBoy emulates both though, so the
game shows up with both CGB and SGB features."
Marat Fayzullin
Screenshot #1 | Screenshot
#2 | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
Parodius update -
Parodius's page has finally been updated.
It seems that Y0SHi is having tons of problems with his ISPs. First, SkipNet was bought out
by Teleport. Simply put, their service was shit, and he canceled. He then went back to DNC,
the ISP he had 2 years ago. They ended up being even worse. So now, Parodius is on
Dreamscape and who knows what will happen next. There was way too much stuff to post here,
but I urge you to read it for
yourself. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | Psyke article in PSX Magazine -
If any of you have stores near you that sell Playstation Magazine, or if you have a
subscription, check out the October issue. There's an article in there that talks about PSyKe.
Instead of degrading the emulator, they seem very positive about it. Anyone who has a scanner
and the magazine and would like to scan the article and send it to ZD for posting, it would be
Thanks to FatalDoom for the mail. | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | I am finally starting
to get my updates uploaded. Deezer is transferring the corresponding files. And best of all,
we may have a host soon! Again, don't e-mail me about broken links, they'll get fixed when
they do. I'll update again soon. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
- Homebrewn and Legalized ROMs
»»» September 1998 »»» »» »