Okay, my old HD is completely broken, so all updates I didn't get up are
irretrieveable. The HD I did get is only temporary as it is only 400MB. SimpleNet has closed down our FTP
and not all of our files were retrieved! We especially need /emulators/(everything) and /ftp/music-spc .
If anybody has any files from these, please send them to me ASAP!
Some files will be able to be restored, however they will be several months old, as they are from TRP's
backup. All sections marked with ×× were destroyed are restoration is in progress, but it could be a
while... --=MEGAߥTE
OK, I am 95% sure they [Patmos] will host us... barely any doubt. These are
some pretty understanding people. Also.. we will agree to put their logo, and a link to their homesite on
PP. THAT, will be the convincing fact. These are some seriouse people, they have about 20 700 mhz computer
loaded with alpha chips in them. The place looks like something off mission impossible. It's pretty cool...
I need to download the site so I will be able to show it to them... This is almost a sure bet since they are
an ISP... --=Netside
The Mushroom Kingdom has moved to http://www.classicgaming.com/tmk. Please change all bookmarks/links. --=Deezer
» Monday, November 30, 1998 |
| |
IDSA attacks Retrogames
Looks like the IDSA hit another site.. Most of Retrogame's ROMs are now down. However
it seems they are ready to go to court over it. Good luck to Retrogames. From the site:
Guess what ? The roms are DOWN! We've received a mail from the IDSA:
"We insist that this site be removed from your server since it violates U.S. copyright protections." So to
comply, we've taken down the roms *EXCEPT* for the NEOGEO Rom of the Day. I would also like to hear WHICH
laws are being broken and for which roms! On a more personal note, I would also like to say that, if the
promise, as I do have the resources to go to court over this.
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
| |
Only one month to go before our one year anniversary! We have several things planned in
the future, and depending on how things go, they may or may not materialize. I have almost gotten all my
Patent Pending files recovered, only items that never made it to the site, and the Emulator section are still
gone. Of course most of that won't affect you, as I'm not putting much stuff up anyway on Xoom. We may
not get Patmos's server, but if not, Netside will buy space on prohosting.com. We are also getting a
domain name. As Konfiskated Teknologies is going to expand past Patent Pending, we are getting kontek.net.
Under this domain we will include this site, of course, along with others, and another revival of the PC
Games section -- as a new site! I still have to get a new HD, so I'm not exactly sure how much I will be
able to do before I run out of space. Also, I am planning on doing some emu year-in-review specials if I
have the time. I have put up PP articles and a Shadows Enterprises page.
Though we will have rebuilding to do, the future of Patent Pending looks very
bright! |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Sunday, November 29, 1998 |
» Saturday, November 28, 1998 |
» Friday, November 27, 1998 |
» Thursday, November 26, 1998 Thanksgiving U.S. |
| |
Handy update
Keith Wilkins has rewritten Handy's CPU emulation core. This has resulted in a modest
5-7% speed improvement over the previous release. You can read the full story on Handy's progress by
clicking here. Handy is a Lynx emulator
for Windows. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
SNEeSe set back
Bad news for SNEeSe. Charles Bilyue is experiencing some severe hard drive problems. The
good news is that his hard drive hasn't crashed, but it looks as though it's a hard drive problem.
Something is causing his hard drive to fry out the IDE controller it's connected to. He's asked that I post
this request:
"Something (most likely static electricity when connecting a parallel
cable...) has resulted in the damage of the circuitry that interfaces between the hard drive mechanisms and
the IDE controller (such as on I/O cards), and is causing one or both of them to fry IDE controllers
connected to them...
"Right now I'm on a backup hard drive I had on another computer ... if anyone has a crashed 425 or 2700
Maxtor drive, I'm wondering if it's possible to transplant the interface hardware...
"If anyone's got any ideas about saving data off drives where the drive mechanism is intact (data intact, no
HD crash or anything like that) but the interface hardware (circuitry on the drive) is not... I need them
right now... and sending them off for data recovery for $2000 a drive is not an option, I can't even afford
another hard drive... but ideas don't hurt, even expensive ones ;/"
If anyone can help him, please do. Although SNEeSe isn't as advanced as ZSNES and Snes9x,
it still held a lot of promise and it would be a shame to see it permanently discontinued because of a
hardware failure. You can send e-mail to Charles by clicking here.
Finally, here's a reminder to everyone who reads this page to always keep a current back of all the
important information on your hard drive. I know its easy to be lazy and even I have been known to go a
month or two without doing a backup, but when something like this happens, you'll be damn glad you
did. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
| |
Famicom info
Ever since Famicom has been out, the author has been assumed to be someone called "Seil".
Well it turns out that that is incorrect. The authors are actually taka2 and nori. I have updated my
Famicom translation to fix this problem of mistaken identity. Here is the mail I received:
Hello. I'm famicom.exe's author, nori.
Famicom.exe's Author is NOT Seil!
Our author doesn't know Seil.
Do you know Seil? I want to contact Seil.
Please correct author in English document.
I glad to use my famicom emulator.
(I write very childish English, sorry.)
Famicom.exe Developer Staff
taka2. main core developer
nori. sub module developer
Next time I'll be sure and contact the author if I do another translation
:) |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Wednesday, November 25, 1998 |
| |
BrSMS release set
According to the latest news posted on the
BrSMS webpage, a new version of BrSMS
will be released on Monday, November 30th, but only to registered users. Stay
tuned... |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
» Tuesday, November 24, 1998 |
| |
Zophar's Domain down again
Yep, Zophar's Domain is down, and all that's left is this message:
"Some technical dificulties here at ZD, we'll have the mess cleaned up hopefully by tomorrow morning. Sorry
for any inconvenience.
So hopefully it'll be up in the morning. I thought emulationworld was supposed to be the solution to the
downtime fairy... |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
| |
PSEmu Pro and
PSyKe to merge!
In very surprising move, the PSEmu Pro team has announced that they are joining forces
with the PSyKe team. Here's the complete text of this announcement:
"A great day for PSX Emulation! PSEmu Team and PSyKe team decided to
Join Forces! We have established a foundation called: TAB (no one will know what that means, but it does
not matter). What that means to all of you? Try to think it. What we can say is that the most advanced
PSX emulators soon will be available as ONE! It is much better to work in bigger team!!! So welcome NEW
MEMBERS: mOoNsHaDo, RaskY, Twin. (alphabetic order... :) ). We don't know what happen out of that. But we
have high hopes!"
Good luck goes out to this new PlayStation emulation team: Davide "Kazzuya" Pasca,
Duddie, mOoNsHaDo, RaskY, Tratax and Twin |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
» Monday, November 23, 1998 |
| |
Archaic Ruins to undergo renovation
Well, I have some news today for those who are smart enough to read this page. Archaic
Ruins will be closed down for the next week or two so I can do some major work to the site. I will still
post news and such but I will not be adding anything to the archives. There is much that needs to be updated
and if I'm worrying about other things I can't get them done. So, I beg you to wait patiently and in a few
weeks a new and fresh AR will emerge from the ashes of this one. When I return to regularly updating this
site should be completely up to date with new sections, new emulators, and a lots of other changes. Keep
checking this page for the latest news and information. |
¤ Roni |
| |
I had been wanting to do this for a while, and finally got around to doing it. I've
redesigned the main page, again. It should be a lot easier to read now. "In The Past", "Current Progress",
and "Help Wanted" sections on this page have been given thier own pages, see right nav bar. The "Section"
Information" section was destroyed and will be replaced with along with all the other files, eventually.
Feel free to e-mail me with comments about the new layout, but please don't e-mail me with "404 Not Found"
errors. They will be fixed as soon as we get a new server and the pages can be replaced. Also, ml.org will
not be working again until December (!!), so use the Xoom address for now. (If you got here, you obviously
know it.) |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Sunday, November 22, 1998 |
» Thursday, November 19, 1998 |
| |
ZSNES v0.8 to support Super Mario RPG!
Posted on their progress
page are several screenshots to Super Mario RPG. SMRPG contains a chip that was previously un-emulated.
No exact word on when it will be released, but it seems soon as they say "Mario RPG currently suffers under
several graphics problems and it may not be fixed by release time." Currently only the Japanese ROM is
available because the US cart has copy protection. I'm sure everyone anticipates this
release! |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Wednesday, November 18, 1998 |
| |
EmuCult down
Well maybe it's a good thing we weren't hosted by them. EmuCult is down, does anybody
know what has happened to it? PACHUKA's e-mail doesn't work - it was at emucult.com
too. |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Tuesday, November 17, 1998 |
Dave's Classics is
back -
It's been down for a week, but it's now back! Looks like they ran into the IDSA again, but
they're still standing. The ROMs sections are all down for now, and may or may not be back.
Dave will use this extra time to create new sections, since he will not need to worry about
uploading ROMs. davesclassics.com still doesn't work, so it looks like I'll have to change
all my links.. Read all about it at Dave's Video Game Classics. BTW, MacMAME.org is also back up. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | PCOTT development -
Gollum, author of Boycott and UFE, has e-mailed ZD to let us know that he is working on a
portable PC emulator, coded in C/C++. Its goal is to provide a PC 8086 (80286 and 80386
later) emulation, especially for demos and games. It will be ported it (it is only for MsDOS
for now) under several platforms (Unix, Linux). Here's a list of features of 0.05:
- partial i8086 emulation
- MCGA 320x200x256 emulation
- some interrupts and ports
- keyboard emulation
- built-in debugger
- usual bug fixes
- COM file loading
- several optimizations (may be applied to Boycott too!)
He's looking for help, porters, 4k demos and very old games. If you can help him out, give him
an e-mail. Source will be freely available. | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | Mythos Games legalizes their Spectrum ROMs -
Mythos Games, a company that used to make Sinclair ZX Spectrum games, and now makes games for
the PC, has released those games, and are even promoting Z80 and WSpecEm on their page. One
more for the good guys! Check out their site, and download those games for all your Sinclair
nuts out there. Thanks to Drak for letting ZD know about this. |
![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | Atari 7800 & MAME Tech Info -
Petr Stehlik has updated the source code of his Atari 800 emulator to version 0.9.8e. That's
the good news. The bad news is that it looks like Petr may not be able to continue his work
on it:
"My current development source code (v0.9.8e) was updated last time on November 13, available
here. This version
is untested and very incomplete. I am releasing it in this state mainly due to my current
inability of working on this emulator (total lack of time). Somebody else might be more lucky
and have some free time to work on it." |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
 | NESticle 64?? -
Well is it possible? Read the following news piece from rob` and see if you believe it
"Could Bloodlust be on the verge of a huge comeback in the emulation community? This afternoon
several hints were dropped that the maker of such fantastic emulators as Callus, Genecyst and
Nesticle *MIGHT* be working on a Nintendo 64 emulator. This is totally unconfirmed but then
again Sardu is quite mysterious and often releases emulators out of the blue that many people
think are fake. Below are the comments made by BennyHil (a close friend of Sardu and one who
tests his various emulators)
<BennyHil> I wonder if anyone is working on a nintendo 64 emu
<BennyHil> *cough*
<BennyHil> *cough*
<BennyHil> December 12th will be a big day
<reptile-> November 23rd will be a day to own all days.
<reptile-> Nov. 23 = Zelda !#$!@#
<BennyHil> but whatever happens on the 23rd will pail in comparison to what happens on the
<BennyHil> and also it will tie into what happens on the 12th
<BennyHil> just call it a big surprise
<BennyHil> heheheheheh
*** BennyHil has quit IRC (December 12 - you will worship your emu god again)
Now most of you will express doubt in the light of these remarks, especially after the capxtra
affair and the ongoing bleem. saga. I however have seen BennyHil and Sardu joking on the irc
before the release of various emulators talking about impossible (in the general publics mind)
features. One such time was the release of Nesticle and they were joking about playing a game
together. Most of us ignored them but a few caught the reference. Perhaps these comments
today reveal an upcoming N64 emulator by Sardu or perhaps they are just a big joke. On
December 12th we shall find out."
Written by rob` Friday November 13th 1998 |
![[Emulators Unlimited Pure News]](s-eu-pn.gif) |
DAHH Friday the 13th has stuck
again! My D: drive is screwed up and ScanDisk won't fix it (it locks up) probably because the
bad clusters are at the start of the drive. D: has all my important files including this
website, and I really need it fixed. If you can help,
mail me ASAP. My C: does not make a good drive for
WIN386.SWP. I am going to get a new drive by Wed. As you can see, Xoom.com finally has
completed their upgrade and their server works again. All files from News and Information are
up, but nothing else. We've already used up 1/5 of the account doing
that.. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
NES World update
From the site:
"One month since last update and I finally pulled together and made something new. Sorry to
all of you who have e-mailed me the past month and didnt get an answer to your mail, I'm back
at full speed now and ready to handle whatever question you might have.
I've decided to remove the warning page, about NES WORLD going offline, since I havent heard
from internet1. I hope they decided that I could stay, but we'll have to wait and see (if NES
WORLD is gone one day you know why). I've got an offer about hosting elsewhere and have
decided that the NES WORLD Jukebox, GB Zone and the remains of SNES and N64 Zone will move
there. This will take some of the heat off internet1, which I hope they're glad hear
;)" | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | SNEmul news
Archiede has e-mailed ZD to let us know a few things about SNEmul. First off, the official
homepage has moved to http://www.multimania.com/cassiop. There's also a mirror in France which
you can reach at http://www.epita.fr/~lannie_n/english.html.
He also says that SNEmul will soon be ported to Linux (X-Windows, running in a window),
NetBSD/i386 and Windows Direct X.
Finally, he's releasing the source code to SNEmul before the year is
over. | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | What's going on -
Hello. You have obviously noticed problems lately trying to connect here. We are experiencing
some difficulties here at the moment. Do not panic. I am not exactly sure when this will
return to normal, but hopefully it will be soon. A lot of things may come into focus sometime
on Wednesday, the 11th of November. In the meantime, if you want to discuss things live with
other users of this page, stop by our two IRC chat rooms, either of EfNET #davesclassics, or
davesclassics.liquidnet.org #davesclassics. You may also discuss any emulator or page related
topic in the MAME
message board, since the MacMAME.org hasn't come back yet. Until then, hopefully all will
be well, and thank you to everyone for your concern. |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
 | Upcoming fwGBC -
DogHuang has sent me an e-mail regarding a new emulator from FanWen, of fwNES fame. This one
is a GameBoy Color emulator, and will be released soon:
The auther FanWen will have to serve his military service ( as a constitutional duty, I've
just finished it and are to start my career) on Nov.17. So, fwGBC 0.1 will be released
before Nov.16! That's the deadline.
fwGBC is an emulator which emulate the new GameBoy Color. FanWen has it that the release will
support standard Gameboy games as well as Gamboy color games. As for the part of Super
GameBoy, not enough time to do it.
He says currently it runs well with TetrisDX/DQM/Hexcite with colors. I guess that's as what
we see in VGBwin 1.3. No comments on sound. :-)
A huge thanks to DogHuang for e-mailing ZD about this. Guess we shall wait and see
:) | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | Dave's
Video Game Classics down for good? -
Serious sources say that Dave's Videogame Classics, one of the largest and most popular
emulator sites, was closed down by the ISDA. It hasn't yet been confirmed but the site does
not appear to be available (check the link below to see for yourself), so things don't look
good... | Shion |
Sites down -
Zophar's Domain has it's second anniversary
today, but it looks like the 'downtime fairy' has struck again! The server has been on and
off all day. Also, Dave's Video Game
Classics' hostname is not resolvable. Apparently they will be back tonight. update:
it is still not up, but I found this on the EmuCamp
messageboard: "Jose Q, from Emuviews, has said that it is intentional, althought he has been
sworn to secrecy. I suspect Dave is revamping his entire site (at least that
is the prevailing rumor)." BTW, Parodius
Networking's page has been blanked out.. don't know what's going on there
either. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | Zophar's
Domain turns 2! -
Well, we did it! Some people thought it would never happen, but Zophar's Domain has turned 2
years old! Later tonight, I will be posting a HUGE list of people I want to thank for making
Zophar's Domain possible. And now, on with the show! Here's to another great year of
Zophar's Domain! | ![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
 | Atari 7800 & MAME Tech Info -
Dan Boris who has been working on an Atari 7800 driver for
MESS, has created a new Atari
7800 tech page. Emulation for the 7800 has just begun so there isn't a lot of information
out there, but Dan has written a document explaining the 7800's memory map (which I think is
the first ever). Other information on cartridge pinouts and the 7800 encryption
scheme can also be found here.
Dan Boris has released the second installment of
his guide on how to write a
MAME driver. This time, Dan tackles how MAME handles video hardware. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
 | Lazarus
statement issued -
DeeJay99 of Lazarus has written an excellent editorial about its recent dealings with Gateway
2000. If you recall, Gateway 2000 accused Lazarus of violating its copyrights. Please read
the WHOLE statement before making any judgments.
As sort of a side note, there is growing support towards making Kickstart and Workbench 1.3
public domain software. If you would like to help, please follow the
link. | ![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
 | Dextrose returning soon (?) -
I saw this three weeks ago or maybe more but since there's really nothing really amazing this
week and I have nothing to write, I said why not speaking of dextrose?!? You may not remember
what Dextrose is/was so I will do a short history class. Dextrose was one of the greatest
source of demos and utilities reliated to n64 stuff. Unfortunatly, for a reason that I don't
know, they closed their site for a while. We got no news after this except this new picture
on the main page of dextrose saying "Dextrose - At work" so I guess they may be back sooner
than we expected (to be honest, I never thought they would be back
:o). | ![[nEMU]](s-ne.gif) |
 | bleem released to Beta testers -
Well everyone, the day has come, bleem has been released to all beta testers.. Yourself
included. Not much to tell you except it is a lot of fun !!!. The graphics are great and the
speed, well, it is just plain awesome. See the screenshots that Manbeast and Bleemster posted
over at EmuUnlim. I am currently testing a few of the newest games and hope to have some
screenshots for you very soon. If there is a game you want to see, drop me a line. I will
try to get them posted ASAP. As you know, DragonYen has posted quite a few pics as well over
@ his site, Elite Gamer. |
![[Emulators Unlimited Pure News]](s-eu-pn.gif) |
Well, I updated the graphics and
shrank all the animation sizes down, even more. Made a new Yoshi image, and this time
added icicles and gave him a hat. Netside says SimpleNet will not reactivate our account, no
matter what, so.. We were going to be hosted by EmuCult, but some fucker erased 60MB
of his files on the same day we were to get access, and now PACHUKA is no longer going to host
anybody. So again, we are still in desperate need of a host, as always, I'll keep you
posted. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | System 16 / M72 news -
Thanks to Thierry Lescot, we've got three scoops to report here:
- System 16 - A new game has been added: Atomic Point. Get the download there.
M72 - The next release will support at least eight new games (Gun Force, Blade Master,
Undercover Cops, In The Hunt, R-Type Leo, Lethal Thunder, Hook, and Maho-keibitai Gunho-ki
(Mystic Riders), plus the Japanese version of Hammerin Harry. You can check out some
screenshots there.
- Finally, both System 16 and M72 have a new home: http://www.system16.com
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
ZSMS info -
Zoop was asked today if he was still working on his SMS emulator, ZSMS. His response:
"Yes I am. If everything goes well, you can expect a version of it before the end of this
month (I have a few thing to finish to make emulation "perfect", and I must rewrite the GUI -
the current one sucks)."
He also says it will support SMS, GameGear, SG1000, and SC3000. We look forward to it's
release! | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
Well, the fuckers at SimpleNet
disabled our account. They did not mail Netside, they just disabled HTTP. FTP still works,
just as purplesky's and graphix-sounds' still do, but that doesn't do our audience any good.
I am attempting to get on another server but I don't know if I'll be able to. Netside says
he'll let me know if we can get on a dedicated server by Tuesday. Anybody willing to host us
(400MB) please e-mail me ASAP! For now, the site will be at Xoom, but you can always find our
latest location at http://patpend.home.ml.org. Again, I'll keep you
posted. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
 | SNEeSe news -
Although Savoury SnaX discontinued SNEeSe several months ago, development continues. Charles
Bilyue' is continuing where Savoury left off and has sent us a little progress report to let
us know what's going on:
"It was 'permanently' discontinued by Savoury SnaX, then not very long afterwards it was
temporarily recontinued by myself. A release was planned for Halloween, however, after about a
year or so of overclocked operation, my 486DX2-66 decided it didn't like 80MHz anymore, so
until I get my OverDrive in a couple weeks, SNEeSe is again TEMPORARILY discontinued."
"However, some work has been done since the discontinuation, and will resume when my hardware
allows it to be feasible."
When the next version is released, we can look forward to these improvements:
- GUI rewrite begun, is becoming more object-oriented; also has a bit of a
3Dish look to it
- Better (?) PAL/NTSC timings
- Some more speed-ups
- Speed throttling (auto-frameskip/delay)
SNEeSe is an Super
Nintendo emulator for DOS. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
 | SSemu discontinued -
Marshall Gladstone has announced the cancelation of his Sega Saturn Emulator, SSemu:
"It has been a LONG time since the last update. I'm going to have to close the SSEmu project
indefinitely. AGAIN. Due to certain legal restrictions, I won't be able to release the
source code."
http://www.zianet.com/marshallg/ssemu |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
 | SNEmul
update -
Snemul has begun work on a Windows/DirectX Port and a UNIX/NetBSD for all your Super NES needs.
What's more, work has reportedly been started on DSP/SFX Emulation. Sure to be one to watch
out for. | Gavin |
Sites' returns -
Emulation Camp is officially ;) back online!
As you may recall, SimpleNet canceled their purplesky account four months ago, but they are
back now with their own server! I look forward to their updates, as I'm sure you will too.
Check them out now, they have a new frames/CGI design, that's pretty cool (but I still don't
like the color scheme. (hi Zoop)
Also, Zophar's Domain is back up after being
down for the past four or so days. | ![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Fake emulator of the month |