Missing news, etc. will be added ASAP.
February 24th - March 15th, 26th - 30th.
» Tuesday, March 30, 1999 |
» Saturday, March 27, 1999 |
| |
After extensive testing, I have determined
that in Internet Explorer 5, Microsoft has continued their tradition of crap. Though MSIE4 was comparable to
Netscape Communicator 4, MSIE5 sucks compared to what Raptor 5 is already capable of. Like IE5 gave me
a real good impression when it crashed on the 2nd page I loaded, but that's not what I'm talking about. IE5
seems to support very little more that IE4 did. Raptor on the other hand, supports tons of really cool new
features and should put Netscape very far on top whenever they decide to release it. Microsoft really blew
it with this version. I may start adding new stuff soon on test pages (but first I really should get some
of the archive pages update ;)
Raptor 5 Beta |
MSIE5 | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Thursday, March 25, 1999 |
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bleem! trojan alert
BLEEM250.ZIP contains a file SETUP.EXE that is a Trojan. To make you think nothing is
wrong when you run this program, it creates a window that looks like a program crash and even plays the
sound event to go with it. But what really is happening is this: The Trojan creates a copy of its self and
places that file under C:\WINDOWS (or where ever you have windows installed) called WINDPD.BQI. It then
makes the following Registry entry:
\Run] "Clipboard"="c:\\windows\\windpd.bqi"
Some side effects of it running was that he was unable to launch McAfee's Virus Scanner and noticed his
machine slowed down by 30%-50%. If you see this file ANYWHERE delete it immediately. There is NO full
version of bleem! no matter how hard you look. It isn't even scheduled for a release until April 10th!
Thanks to Skull One for the warning. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
» Wednesday, March 24, 1999 |
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UltraHLE official site returns!
TheFox of Emulators Unlimited has brought the UltraHLE
site back from the grave, as promised. It includes screenshots of all the games that work, partially work,
and don't work (the Wheel of Fortune wireframe is amusing). Here is the statement made:
"We are proud to reopen the OFFICIAL UltraHLE homepage as it was majorly requested
by the emulation and media public and here it is :) It will be ran by The Fox and in the next few months we
should see some exciting things added to this site as a media section, interviews and so
BTW, UltraHLE and the bleem! beta were never erased from our archives (whoops) but you
had to go searching in our FTP archives. Now I guess it doesn't matter :) | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
VB-98 update
David Tucker has updated his VBEmu page with more news and pics. He figured out the
remaining lines on the VB controller go to the diagrams page for the pin out, and he reproduced his
oOscilloscope trace. Also, he did some research on making a 'red' palette for the emu, he thinks he can make
it look OK if he does some trickery with the contrast (ie: brighten up all the palette entries to make it
look ok). So maybe the next release will have an optional support for a red palette. Some cool screen shots
of the red palette with games, as well as a some other misc. screen shots are available on the
official VB emulator
homepage. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
Retrocade update
Neil has finally nailed down the internal vector problems in the linedraw code for the
Windows port, and now the vector games are working. He needs to iron out a few minor details, but it's
looking great! Brian Peek has found the last bug in the sound code for the Windows port, and now it sounds
great! What this all means is that POSSIBLY a Windows beta will be ready for beta testers by the weekend.
This is by no means a guarantee, but things are looking good. Post your comments and questions in our
Retrocade message
board. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
MESS update
It was August the last time we saw a release of this multi system emulator, but it now
appears that a new release is rapidly approaching. Last night a private beta was released to those on the
dev list. It has since added the following systems for emulation:
- ZX-Spectrum 48k [Allard van der Bas]
- Atari 7800 [Dan Boris]
- PC-compatible (MDA, CGA, Tandy 1000) [Juergen Buchmueller]
- RA+A Spectrum I+ [Mathis Rosenhauer]
- TI-994a [Raphael Nabet] (My first computer BTW! ;-)
Other improvements include: misc. mapper and PPU fixes for the NES, rewrite of Sega the
MasterSystem/GameGear code. It is now much more playable than before, better color imager support for the
Vectrex, adjusted timing of NES clock to be accurate, sound in the Astrocade driver, preliminary
Mockingboard support for the Apple II, and more. If all goes well, a public release should be
available very soon. Be sure to post your comments, and questions in our
MESS message
board. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
» Tuesday, March 23, 1999 |
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Emu News World closes down
Just weeks after Emu News Service got a new server and domain name, and expanded to Emu News World, it has
shut down. Emu News Service has been one of the top emu news sites for the past two and a half years it has
been up. Jim Pragit has been offered a new full-time programming job with a consulting firm. His commute
adds two and a half hours to his day, taking away from the time he normally updates Emu News. Since he does
not want Emu News to become a "shadow" of its former self, he is discontinuing it. He has put up the
sections he was last working on. Good luck to Jim in the future. You can read the full statement
here. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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I have been experimenting with IE-only tags
(which will work in Netscape 5) and other upcoming tags. Netscape 5 looks very promising, however currently
there are several bugs present and for example, this page overloads it and only displays fuzz. However with
the recent release of IE 5, I thought I'd fool with some new tags. IE3+ users will notice that the counter
will update itself and stay current every 30 secs. This will only be noticable if there are other visitors
while you stay browsing this page. I MARQUEE'd it just to make it noticable. All it is is an IFRAME which
calls an AutoRefreshing CGI that reads counter data but does not increment. What does this have to do with
emulation, you ask? Well I guess you could say I'm simulating the Java applet that serves the same
purpose ;) Stay tuned for other odd additions including Netscape 4 compatible LAYERs sometime.... HTML is
getting as hard to keep up with as emunews! I don't like IE, but Raptor 5 has prompted me to start
experimenting with new things... you can get the latest copy here. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
Spring is here (technically, of course) |
| |
Moonrise update
Moonlit Coalition has announced
the third of five systems to be emulated by Moonrise/Sunset. It is the NES. The first two announced were
the N64 and the PSX. The others will remain a mystery until the become "rock solid truth." This is one
project to watch. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
More bleem! D3D screenshots
Did you like the screen shots of Bloody Roar, Jet Moto 2, and Tekken 3 posted yesterday
on the bleem! site? Well, if you did, you're in luck, as they
have now posted screen shots of Gran Turismo, one of the most popular game ever for the PSX! There are three
screen shots available: [1,
3]. Click on the respective links
to view the individual pics. Because the bleem! site has been getting hammered and exceeding their bandwidth
consumption, these pics are compressed even more, so the real emulation looks even better! Thanks to Park
Kyungjae for the news. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
Total64 rumors...
Well most people interested in N64 emulation have obviously heard of this so called
"project". Most people believe it to be another fake, but now comes an interesting or maybe well thought out
twist. According to this page, Nintendo is flying the
"Total64 Team" to Japan. So that they can work on it being the "Official N64 emulator from Nintendo". Umm...
well, you can make your own opinions about this if its going to be true or not, or just another hoax. Give
your views also in our UltraHLE/N64 emulation message board. Thanks to Sean Casey for the news. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
Extremme 64 a fake
Also mentioned on the Glide Underground is an apparant hack of UltraHLE going around
called Extremme 64. If you encounter this, you are urged to delete it
immediatley. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
Memotech emu update
Version 0.91 of the Memotech MTX512 emulator is being worked on and should be released
shortly. Here's a preliminary feature list of the next
- Addresses some problems with lowercase filenames
- Interrupt/CTC-architecture
- Tape conversion
- Control over (virtual) PCB-switches etc.
- Printer output
- Double size window
Memotech MTX512 Emulator is a Memotech
MTX512 emulator for MacOS. | |
![[Emu News World]](s-en.gif) |
» Saturday, March 20, 1999 |
» Thursday, March 18, 1999 |
| |
RockNES update and screenshots
Fx3 has posted some nice screen shots of some NES games running under RockNES. Games
include: Battle Toads/Double Dragon, RC Pro Am, Ghost Busters, Pro Am II and Gradius II.
official RockNES page. As for the news:
- Fixed a Mapper #32 bug.
- Mapper #21 rewritten.
- A second big fix: Mapper #25 added/fixed. Thanks to Brad Oliver and TrelaneQ for help and
| |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
» Wednesday, March 17, 1999 |
Welcome to Dave's Video Game Classics! -- err Happy St. Patrick's Day! ;-) |
| |
PSX2 to support Netplay
According to EBworld, the PSX2 will have "unparalleled connectivity capabilities." But
don't take it from me, read the article below.
| |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
New Amiga soon?
According to the story at the link provided below, a new low-cost Amiga PC and an
Internet appliance should be released by Gateway before year's end. Of course, when Gateway originally
acquired the rights to the Amiga in '97, it promissed a new machine by the fall of '98, so naturally people
are skeptical. Still, its cool to hope for it, being the big Amiga fan that I am. Read the entire article
from the link provided above. Thanks to Alcoholic Rug and Stephen W. Bryant for the news.
| |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
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JAS to add support for Dragon Spirit
Another in the series of Namco System 1 hardware games has been added to JAS, called
Dragon Spirit. Screen shots are provided at the link below. The graphics are pretty much done, but sound is
still a bit screwy. There is no known release date with support for this game yet.
[Dragon Spirit Screenshots]
| |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
» Tuesday, March 16, 1999 |
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Let me let you know of the reasons why I
haven't been updating regularly. First and foremost, my school has put up proxies. Right now they are
incorrectly configured (what a f'ing surprise) and I cannot update unless I let the whole world know my
password (sounds like M$ here;) In addition, school activities, bad weather, and sickness has prevented
me from getting my updates uploaded, or even ready when I'd have liked. I have gotten all releases
up-to-date, but I am still filling in missed (and accidently deleted) news. Deezer should start getting the
files uploaded now that I have the updates listed :) I have started a new info box system which I really
wanted to start one year ago. You can see the examples by clicking the names of the programs on
NEO*GEO Utilities section, for example. Some files and stuff have been fixed.
I have tried to get the message board working, but for some reason, it isn't. This board hasn't been used
for two years now, but if anybody would like to see if they can get it working, contact me. Also, sometime
recently Patent Pending passed 40,000 hits and the KonTek main page has passed 10,000. On top of that
TMK is rapidly approaching it's 2nd birthday.
Since winter is exiting, I think it's time for a PP logo update.
Mail me and tell me what you think should be on the new logo...
Pikachu? Link? Also, we really need maintainers for PP, check below to see what I mean.
I don't know what's going on with our surrent ones, but it's not much. Oh, I also have decided I may as
well release TetriNet skins for PP and 404 Not Found.
They include only new grafx and music, I never got around to creating new sounds. Enjoy. For now, I guess,
MEGAߥTE, out. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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Connectix to continue development of VGS for Windows
Despite everything Sony has tried to do to Connectix, Connectix has announced that it is continuing
development of the VGS for Windows. At this point there is nothing that Sony can do about it. Read the
relating articles below for more information.
[ ZDNet
| MacWeek
] | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Saturday, March 13, 1999 |
» Thursday, March 11, 1999 |
» Wednesday, March 10, 1999 |
» Saturday, March 6, 1999 |
» Thursday, March 4, 1999 |
» Wednesday, March 3, 1999 |