Missing news, etc. will be added ASAP.
April 9th - April 30th.
» Thursday, April 29, 1999 |
» Wednesday, April 28, 1999 |
» Tuesday, April 27, 1999 |
| |
One word on the reason why I haven't updated
until now: PROM. (and no I'm not talking about Program ROM.) Anyway, I have started work on restarting the
ROM Hacks section, and have uploaded a crapload of NES gfx hacks,
Other NES hacks, and SNES gfx hacks.
I have started on the index, and should have it completed this week. Hopefully that won't be the only thing
I get done. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Saturday, April 24, 1999 |
» Thursday, April 22, 1999 |
» Wednesday, April 21, 1999 |
» Tuesday, April 20, 1999 |
» Saturday, April 17, 1999 |
» Thursday, April 15, 1999 |
| |
I have finally started working on the
Tetris feature page. Though there is not much there, eventually there will
be. I have already uploaded my SRM of 505 lines in Tetris & Dr. Mario. I have also uploaded about 150
TetriNet themes which I have not filtered yet. Pretty soon I will upload all of the Tetris clones I can
find. Want to challenge me to a game of TetriNet? E-mail me, and I'll give you a time. I have also
changed a few cosmetic things like erasing the underlines from the links. Netscape's Mozilla continues
to get better and better. Though last week's version crashed on my system, this weeks display Patent Pending
pages fairly well, and KonTekNet perfectly! Go ahead and try
it. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Wednesday, April 14, 1999 |
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I have added about 80 game MODules, but
have not had a chance to make a new index for them. I have also changed all of the MDZ extensions to
whatever they should be: ITZ, S3Z, XMZ. I will make the index as soon as possible. I have also created a
subdirectory for Modules that are dumps from emulators and utilities. I have experimented with the new
OpenSPC and have made a few Modules. Search through the music index to find them. I'll make more when I
feel like it. Enjoy what's there. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Tuesday, April 13, 1999 |
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I have updated the main page graphics.
Instead of the frozen Yoshi image, Yoshi now attempts to grab the dot of the i which blows up. Also I have
created an image of a computer running Super Mario Bros. I had wanted to do an image like this since the
start of Patent Pending, yet I never got around to it. I know the images take a little longer to load, but
I think they're worth it. E-mail me your
comments. I have also recently fixed my MEGAߥTE's WebRing stuff, and decided to add Patent Pending to
it. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Saturday, April 10, 1999 |
» Thursday, April 8, 1999 |
» Wednesday, April 7, 1999 |
| |
On surfing the net I found your web page and I am wondering if the Commodore Amiga 500 is coming back to
the market. My friend has a Commodore Amiga 500 with A501 Memory and Clock Expansion cartridge. (Battery
back-up -real time clock) The computer has less than 100 hrs yet it is some 8 years old. The power light
on the keyboard comes on. Sometimes it flashes and sometimes it just lights. Nothing comes up on the
screen. It used to have a disk image come up. I am wondering if it would be the battery in the clock
expansion cartridge. There is a little door in the bottom of the computer with the expansion card in it
but we are afraid to touch the card in case of damage. He wants to get this computer going so his granchild
can play the games. Would you know if such a computer can be repaired anywhere in Canada.
Bill Parsons
The Amiga is scheduled to come back onto market at the end of this year (in what form, I don't know).
Personally I do not know anything about the Amiga, so I can't help you with your problem, but this is the
second Amiga question this week, so I think perhaps I should do some research. I will post your problem on
the main page and see if anybody out there knows what is wrong. I would chance messing with the expansion,
there isn't too much you could do. I don't know of anybody who still repairs Amigas around here (US) and
much less Canada. I hope somebody will be able to help.
--=Mß | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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Glide Underground attacked by 3dfx
Well, it looks like that Glide Underground received a bunch of e-mails from 3DFX claiming
that some of the wrappers on their site were programmed from the SDK, which is not legal. So it looks like
GU will stop having wrappers on their site. Anyway, go ahead and read it for yourself.
You can read the e-mails, and the news here | |
![[Zophar's Domain - Nitro]](s-zd-nt.gif) |
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Dave's Classics Down Again
Well it seems Dave's Video Game Classics is down
again. No word if it's related to the Sony thing, but it most likely is. A similar UGO message as the time
it went down a few days ago is up. Hopefully they will be returning soon. I'll keep you posted. You
can also still visit the message boards here. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
Daylight Savings Time: Set your clocks forward one hour North America! |
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Meka Easter Eggs
As many people have found, there are several easter eggs in Meka. Ones I am aware of are as follows:
- SMS Snail Game: On the menu, goto Machine->Power->On. The SMS BIOS will start. Press buttons 1, 2
and Up on the controller to make the snail game appear.
- Breakout Game: On the menu, goto Tools->Tech Info. In the Info box click the 00 at the end of 'spr
tile 1800' to make -BReAk oUt- by Johannes Holmberg appear.
- This one is hinted at in the special thanks section of the readme:
'Johannes Holmberg: for uNESsential, and writing some other stuff you will discover one day :)'
- Tetris Game: Type CTRL+T to make buggy tetris by Archeide appear.
- No Elephant: Type 'meka /?' or 'meka /help' on the command line and some weird options will appear.
- Hint of NES Emulation: Well this is greatly hinted at, but nobody seems to know how to do it:
- The Meka readme says this: 'You can play other systems on it only if you are smart enough to figure how.
And if you are, I doubt you will want to play Nintendo games. So forget it.'
- On the Meka Homepage, The page says:
'Master System, Game Gear, SG1000 and SC3000 are emulated. And maybe more - who knows ?' In between
who and knows, there is a link to this SMB screenshot.
- In the meka.cfg file, change nes_sucks under FACTS to 0 and Meka will refuse to run saying
'Error: user likes Nintendo'
- Type CTRL+N and Meka will shut down and leave the message 'No way!'
- Meka.nam which includes alist of all the emulated games includes this entry at the bottom:
---- NINTENDO ---- B0FE0D95F4FFFAC3,Super Mario Bros
Note: Meka does not support the MSX, N64, PSX, or other systems such as that... If you find any more eggs,
be sure to mail me!
| |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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Netscape has just gone to the next level
with their version 5. It is now using completely the Gecko engine. A lot more stuff works, but it can be
a little hazardous to your OS while running complex pages. This site now works (partially, as they haven't
implemented all of HTML4 yet.) As usual, you can get the latest copy here. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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Joyous occasion! Somebody did an update.
The only problem was that it seems Fishboy fell for the DC emu prank. In the future we will be more
careful in updates (Ahem). Actually, there is a DC emu in the works... it can run teapot demo, and by
now I'm sure much more stuff. Well, I'll try to get updates up ASAP. We need staff badly... and staff that
won't screw up the HTML coding >;) I don't know what the hell keeps going on with the counter.. if it's
Maindomain or what, but hopefully they are all fixed.. again. Also recently some new sites have opened
up on KonTek. Check them out. My mail hasn't been working for the past few days, so I've
switched off of Deskmail. If you tried to send something, try
again. Thanx. Oh, and the Tetris page isn't up yet, be patient. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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Moonlit Coalition names 4th system
Moonlit Coalition has annouced the fourth out of
five systems to be emulated in the Moonrise project. It is the Gameboy. The other three are the N64, PSX,
NES. The fifth one is yet to be announced. Also, their page has been redesigned, removing the (fat)
frames. You can read more about it on their site. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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If you had downloaded RockNES yesterday from it's official page, you had better delete it IMMEDIATLEY!. It seems that the new soundcard
detection routine can damage or destroy your harddisk! The page has since been updated with a new version
V0.81, which should clear up these problems. Remember, if you download it from it's official page, you use
it at your own risk. Thanks to Gamemaster23 and Kevin Williamson for the
news. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
basicNES update
basicNES, the new NES emulator that is being programmed in VB by Don Jarrett, has made
some progress: The graphics work perfectly now, except for the sprites and the palette. He will move on to
fixing that up as gathers up a few more ROMs for testing. | |
![[Zophar's Domain - _Bnu]](s-zd-bn.gif) |
» Saturday, April 3, 1999 |
| |
Moonlit Coalition names 4th system
Moonlit Coalition has annouced the fourth out of
five systems to be emulated in the Moonrise project. It is the Gameboy. The other three are the N64, PSX,
NES. The fifth one is yet to be announced. Also, their page has been redesigned, removing the (fat)
frames. You can read more about it on their site. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
Sega console emulation project
Apparantly there is a new multi-console emulator in development for the five Sega
systems, including: SMS/GG, Genesis (Megadrive), 32x (Megadrive 32x), and Sega CD (Mega CD). The project is
being done by a Spanish author, and the project's
page therefore is in Spanish as well. If you use Altavista's translation service, you can read the page in English for yourself. Some
things metioned are that SMS/GG emulation is about 95% complete, and that most games run at a good speed and
with acceptable sound. There are only a few graphical bugs left. The Genesis emulation is about 70% complete
and runs about 60% of the roms available, but some games have serious graphics bugs still. The 32x and
Sega CD emulation is far from complete, and the author can use any HW info available if you could help them.
Thanks to Pikaraichu and EmuSphere for the
news. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
New VB NES emu: BasicNES
Don Jarrett has e-mailed ZD about a new emulator he's working on for Windows in Visual
Basic: BasicNES. This NES emulator currently can "sort of" run the demo "cart.nes", and you can check out
the screenshot from the official BasicNES homepage here. When it's released, you'll be able to find it on ZD, of
course. | |
![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
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I've been going to Patent Pending almost since it started... Patent Pending is comparable to Zophar's Domain
and Dave's Classics! Keep it up! :)
-- emufreak
This is the motivation I needed to continue. :) | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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Dave's Classics Returns
Dave's Video Game Classics has returned again
after a three day down time. Dave is not allowed to discuss what went on to cause UGO to suspend his site,
but it is something legal, as all of the FTP files are not accessible. If you want to know more, visit
his site, and then try to e-mail the UGO people to see if they will say what went
on. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
Word on Dave's Classics
Everyone has been speculating as to why Dave's Classics went down over the past few days.
Now, thanks to Gamecenter.com, we have an answer. It was Sony and the BIOS issue, just like I thought it
was. :) Here's a quote derived from the article:
"According to court documents acquired by Gamecenter, Sony alleges that ActionWorld willfully copied the
proprietary PlayStation BIOS onto the Dave's Classics Web site, and made it available as a download to
visitors up until at least March 23."
Anyway, go read the whole
thing. Thanks to everyone who bothered to mail in about it. | |
![[Zophar's Domain - Stick Figure 98]](s-zd-sf.gif) |
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Meka should be out tomorrow, so get ready! If you want to take a look at some screenshots and more, head
over to Zoop's
site. | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
RockNES this weekend
According to the official RockNES
website, a new release as well as an updated compatibility list should be released sometime this coming
week! Check out the site often. | |
![[Dave's Video Game Classics]](s-dc.gif) |
» Thursday, April 1, 1999 |
| |
Nightmare a fake
After I heard that there was a Dreamcast emulator out, the first one ever in the history of man, I thought
to myself, wow, that was fast for a console that's not even out in the United States yet! But, after I got
it, I realized that a 2 year old could make this emulator! It's cheaper than you would imagine. So, what I'm
getting at is, well, the Dreamcast emulator "Nightmare" is a fake. It's not real, AKA phony! Well, that's
all I really needed to tell you. It's still avalible to
download, but it's not worth it I think. I just thought I'd
inform you. And, I also find it hard to believe that there will ever be a Dreamcast emulator. For one, the
ROMs would be too big, and two, if you had to play the games off their CDs, it probably wouldn't work
because of the fact that the Dreamcast CDs are made weird. Well, that's all! | |
![[Patent Pending - Fishboy]](s-pp-fb.gif) |
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Happy birthday to
EmuCamp which is celebrating it's second birthday, and
Retrogames which is celebrating it's first. They are
two of the higher quality sites out there, so go visit them. Here's to many more
birthdays! | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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Know anything about the AmigaTrans program not allowing you to run it once it's installed?
Is there a hack/crack?
No, I don't deal with Amiga, so I don't know what is going on with it. Their apparent page is gone, too. I
don't know of any crack. I'll mail you again if I find anything else out, and I'll post your message on
the news page.
--=Mß | |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |