» Thursday, December 31, 1998 |
» Wednesday, December 30, 1998 |
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Well, we
made it! We've had some rough times, been on four servers, shifted through maintainers and 100s of MBs
of files, but we're still standing! I did not get anything at all done what I wanted, but I did manage to
bake a cake in 3D Studio MAX. It's the first time I've ever used it, so it kinda melted a little ;) Not
bad for 5 minutes worth of design. Here is a clip of PP's origins. We've gotten
over 35,000 hits and a hundred mails over the past year, not too bad. Well I don't have much to add now,
but hopefully by New Year's I can. Let's have our second year be greater than the first! Remember, we will
not let gaming die. Good luck to EmuXpress too, which had it's second anniversary yesterday. |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Tuesday, December 29, 1998 |
» Monday, December 28, 1998 |
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My D:
crashed again, so I replaced it with the backup backup.. an even smaller 250MB drive. It should be enough
to last until I get a new one, assuming it doesn't crash. I have fixed links on a variety of pages.. but
that doesn't mean they were updated. I am also working on reorganizing, many of the files are not where
they are suppossed to be. In a couple of days, we'll have our first anniversary.. and at this time I don't
have anything planned.. but stay tuned, I'll try and do something.. |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Sunday, December 27, 1998 |
» Saturday, December 26, 1998 |
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New VBEmu 98 before New Year
According to the VBEmu98 webpage, author David Tucker is hoping to release a new version of VBEmu98 by
the end of the year:
"I have updated the 3D page a bit more, coding time is scarce this
week, so I have not had any chance to fix up the graphics engine's, I should have more free time after the
holidays, hopefully by the new year I'll release the 3D enabled version. Also work has begun on the
assembler CPU core, so soon we will have a faster build (I'll be supporting both cores, for the sake of
portability, unless the assembler core is worlds ahead of my C core)."
VBEmu98 is a Virtual Boy emulator for DOS and Linux. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
» Friday, December 25, 1998
Christmas |
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Marat demands DBOY discontinuation
Marat Fayzullin has apparently gotten wind of BouKiChi's overhaul to VGB-DOS, Dboy, and
he's mad about it. Word is that Marat has emailed the author asking that all non-original source be
replaced or DBoy discontinued. Within a matter of days DBoy stole away all of the former VGB-DOS faithful
(including myself) and has already become the leading Color Gameboy emulator. Note to Marat: You've already
cancelled VGB-DOS, and you have little or no intention of ever making a public trial version of VGB-Win
despite what you're webpage says. Shutting down DBoy will only cause you to be more despised than you
already are for your anti-"spirit of emulation" mentality. Make people happy for a change by allowing DBoy
to be continued. After all, it's Christmas, and it's not like he's trying to make money off of
it. |
lilac |
Magic Engine update
I just received a mail from David Michel, the author of Magic Engine, which was the very
first PC Engine emulator and was very advancer for it's time. Almost two years have passed since the first
release (0.6, then 0.8 came quickly), so it was time for a new one. Magic Engine 1.0 will definitively
- 16-bits video modes support
- Realtime save/load
- SuperGrafx and Arcade Card emulation!
- Six buttons gamepad emulation
- PC Engine Mouse emulation
- A cooler interface
- Better battery backed RAM support
- Tons of bug fixes in HuCard and CD emulation
- Better sound emulation
- More PC peripheral supported (gamepad, soundcard..)
- ..and even more surprises :)
No release date was announced, so please DON'T bother the author with it. |
Zoop |
RockNES update
Some good news from the RockNES front: mappers #9 and #10 are now working perfectly, so
Punch Out will be playable in the (upcoming) next version. As for the sound, it has been slighty improved,
and should be almost perfect (but expect an huge slow-down until they optimize it
:-) |
Zoop |
» Thursday, December 24, 1998 |
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Well my
compressed HD (the new D:) decided it didn't want to be recognized, and the only way I was able to get it
back was to format it. This means I lost the whole site again, and everything I was working on. This will
set me back a few weeks at least. Hopefully some of the other staff will be able to work on the sections
too. Needless to say, stuff that was supposed to be up today will be not. Merry f~~~ing
Christmas. BTW, I don't need to translate Famicom anymore, as the authors already have... and it's now
a really awesome emu.. it does NES and Paso files too even! and it's Fast compared to what it used to
be.. I can't wait for the final release... maybe I'll do the Spanish translation
instead ;) I am also working on TiSE again, and I've already done a rewrite of file handling, address
limits using a TSE config file, and should have export, and CHR editing done soon, then I'll work on making
a really useful WIndows ver... expect a DOS release soon. Well have fun with ZSNES and
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Wednesday, December 23, 1998 |
» Tuesday, December 22, 1998 |
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Color Dreams ROMs legalized!!
The inevitable has happened -- Color Dreams ROMs have been legalized. ZtNet has made an agreement with
Wisdom Tree to let ZtNet post the ColorDreams NES ROMs for download. At this time you may download the ROMs
with no consequence, but not redistribute them. I am attempting to get rights to post them
here. Check out the ROMs, at Emulators Unlimited.
More to come. |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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IDSA shuts down Lazarus
Lazarus, the largest source for Amiga games on the 'net, has once again shut down. This
time by the IDSA who claim to be acting on behalf of their members, though neither Amiga nor Gateway 2000
(who recently bought all rights to the Amiga) currently appear on the
IDSA's member list.
According to the note posted in place of Lazarus's regular index, the site will remain shutdown for the
remaining of the investigation. Go to what's left of Lazarus to see the IDSA's demand that the site be "taken down
immediately". |
![[Zophar's Domain - Inverse]](s-zd-iv.gif) |
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Sorry for the delays of updates on my part. I've been pretty busy for the past few weeks
with tests and stuff. Christmas vacation started Saturday (technically yesterday), but then I had some
major problems with my HD (C: this time). I think it got scratched or something (see pic). Deezer and RaG
have been working on the site however, and they are almost done with updating the emulators archive. After
that I will upload the files I have, and then start on the actual indices again. This week, part of the
Music section, Utilities, Simulators, Tech Info, Copyrights, and Credits should be restored since last
update. Deezer is also working on Manuals and RaG is working on Guides again, until the Emulators section
can be started again. The snow background I recently uploaded was corrupted. I was only able to save 3 out
of the 7 frames, but I still think it is smoother. And it does load faster. MIDI is still not fixed, even
though MainDomain said they did, so I'm not sure when that will work again. I might be able to get a CGI to
play it if I can remember how. All other server troubles *should* be fixed now.. Only about a week till
our 1st Anniversary! When you're done here, why not check out Netside's Purified Gaming. Also, I would like to thank Zophar (ZD), Zoop (EmuCamp), Secain (SEC)
, and Dave (PureNews) for posting my return news. And no thanks to all the others that didn't (you know very
well who you are). |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Monday, December 21, 1998 |
» Sunday, December 20, 1998 |
GameBoy |
1 new manual |
Genesis |
12 new manuals |
N64 |
1 new manual |
2 new manuals |
1 new manual |
1 new manuals |
2 new manuals |
1 new manual |
» Saturday, December 19, 1998 |
» Friday, December 18, 1998 |
» Thursday, December 17, 1998 |
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Dextrose is back!!
The Dextrose site is back up today! It has an all new design and LOTS of files. Dextrose is the #1
resource for N64 emulation and development. Check it out now! |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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WinNES Tech Request
Cosimo De Michele, author of WinNES, one of the newer NES emulators is looking for 6502
CPU emulator written in assembler:
"I'm rewriting my emulator using an object oriented architecture which
explains best how to emulate the NES. Now I'm using Marat [Fayzullin]'s m6502 emulator written in C that I
have compiled with Borland C++ and linked in my project written in Delphi. I need a new 6502 emulator
written in assembly that I can link in Delphi, I ask someone to help me to resolve this
If you can help, please e-mail Cosimo at
karakiri@hotmail.com. Thanks. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
» Wednesday, December 16, 1998 |
» Tuesday, December 15, 1998 |
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fMSX release info
fMSX 2.0b is Out!
After long delay, I have finally released a beta of the new version of fMSX, the ubiquituous MSX/MSX2/MSX2+
emulator! Complete list of features and the list of new features and fixes can be found in the documentation
at http://www.komkon.org/fms/fMSX.
This is a quite raw beta version which means many things may have gone broken since the old version. I
expect those among you who are proficient MSX hackers to look for bugs and submit bug reports and bug fixes
to me, as I simply have no time to do thorough bug hunting myself.
Marat Fayzullin |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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Dreamcast emulator in progress!
This is a Zophar's Domain EXCLUSIVE. That means, you see it here first. All future
updates having to do with this will be announced on ZD. I spent a while trying to figure out how I would
explain this one to all of you who visit ZD, without sounding like I'm on drugs :) But I assure ALL of you,
this is NO JOKE. A new emulator is in the works: the world's first Dreamcast emulator. The authors of this
emulator wish to remain anonymous, so I will respect their wishes. However, I guarantee all of you that
this is a LEGITIMATE attempt to emulate the DC. No, it won't run at 60 FPS on a P200, this is not a miracle
emulator. But it is without a doubt, a real project.
Below, you will find two screenshots of the emulator running a DC demo, called "Teapot". Notice that it's
running at 2.5 FPS. Doesn't sound very impressive... except when you consider the fact that it runs 2.5 FPS
on an Intel P200 MMX, in software rendering mode. This means that for those of us with 3D cards, it can run
even faster. Enjoy these 2 screenshots from DeCent, and remember: I promise all of you that this is not a
trick, this is a 100% legitimate emulator attempt.
Screenshot of DeCent running the Teapot
demo | Screenshot of DeCent running the
Teapot demo in a window |
![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
Stylophone emulator progress
Mark Campbell has been writing a Stylophone emulator for the past year or so and is
looking to hand the project off to someone else in order to finish it. The Stylophone for those who don't
know is an electronic organ which has achieved cult status since it's release in Britain in the 1970's:
"I've been writing a Stylophone emulator for Windows for about a year
or so and have finally reached the stage where my plans for the program have been restricted by my lack of
programming skills. Therefore I am officially offering up the source for my program so that someone else
can finish it off if they wish.
Full technical details of the entirely analogue circuitry is available to any mad person who wishes to take
over the project. I'd like to see the project be given the DirectX treatment, as I've used very (VERY)
simple code to play the sounds (after all this is my first windows program)."
The Stylophone Emulator is written in C and compiled on Visual C 5.0. If you
wish to help Mark, he can be contacted at
mark@screen.subtitling.com. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
» Monday, December 14, 1998 |
» Sunday, December 13, 1998 |
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RPG Net returning
Well it looks like RPG Net will be retuning after all! From the page:
RPG Net will be returning September 1999. During this time we will be building
the site as well as we will be working on purchasing our own Dedicated wed server for the website. This
means complete bandwidth for us and we will also be providing web hosting for sites through that manner. We
thank all your support. We will be posting information on this page frequently.
-Derek Major |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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MESS to add PC support!
Directly from the MESS
webpage, the next release of MESS will include basic PC support. Although no release date has been
announced, it should be released "hopefully ... in the not too distant future." Other new features will
include Atari 7800 and Spectrum support. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
Snes9X GUI progress
TeleKawaru has e-mailed me the following, regarding the upcoming Snes9x GUI:
The Snes9x GUI is nearing integration. Hopefully completion will be next week.
You can check out the new GUI's look from the link below.
screenshot |
![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
» Saturday, December 12, 1998 |
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2001 to be ported to MESS
Paul Robson, the author of 2001 (the one and only Emerson Arcadia emulator) is about to
send the sources of his emulator to the MESS team. Hopefully, the machine will be emulated by the next
version of MESS. It is a good point, considering the fact some new roms were recently dumped and are
causing problems to Paul Robson's emulator - now let's hope the talented programmers behind MESS will
improve it's emulation. |
![[Emulation Camp]](s-ec.gif) |
» Friday, December 11, 1998 |
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Snes9X GUI progress
Telekawaru has been working on the new GUI that will be in a future version of Snes9x.
Cyber Warrior X has told me that to his knowledge, it's about 70% done, and will be ready sometime in the
near future. Check out some early screenshots of this GUI at the two links below.
Snes9x GUI Screenshot
1 |
Snes9x GUI Screenshot
2 |
![[Zophar's Domain - Zophar]](s-zd-zp.gif) |
» Thursday, December 10, 1998 |
» Wednesday, December 9, 1998 |
» Tuesday, December 8, 1998 |
» Monday, December 7, 1998 |
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Vertigo 2099 returns! (again)
Yep, Vertigo 2099, possibly the oldest and most revered ROM releasing group has returned!
The have release a new Genesis ROM, X-perts. You can chack out their new page by clicking the above link.
Not much is up yet, but there is more to come. Here's what the page says:
"We're back! Did you miss us? Here's our first release of this resurrected Vertigo, X-perts for the
Genesis. Enjoy. Oh yeah, stay tuned, this is just the beginning"
Good luck goes out to the "resurrected Vertigo". |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
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PSX on SDC article in "Edge" magazine
Ryan B. has sent me an interesting e-mail about an article about possibility of the PSX
being emulated on the Sega Dreamcast:
There is an article in "Edge" magazine covering the possibility of a DC PlayStation Emulator.
"Edge" are well in with most of the games industry, so this could well prove to be a true rumour.
They mention that legally the only problem arises with the PlayStation's BIOS. It says that if the BIOS
could be reverse engineered (I assume that this is so with SNES and Mega Drive) the emulator could be SOLD
I can't see there being any problems with Sega promoting this - as it would be monopolistic and against
European Union's free trade law for Sony to stop Sega releasing an emulator that uses a reverse-engineered
Remember, as well, that techincally the DC may well be able to run an emulator at full speed with full
compatability - but it isn't likley to be done as a 1st generation application.
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Sunday, December 6, 1998 |
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iNES update
A new version of iNES being developed at this moment includes following features:
- Famicom Disk System emulation
- VS System emulation
- Majorly bugfixed PPU emulation
- Completely rewritten mapper code
- Direct saving of soundtrack to MIDI files
- Speed control in iNES-Windows
- many other small fixes and improvement
There is no release date at the moment. Also coming Virtual GameBoy 1.4 with multiple bugfixes in the Color
GameBoy emulation. |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Saturday, December 5, 1998 |
» Friday, December 4, 1998 |
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Weeeee're back!
Well we finally got our domain up! We never did get hosted by anybody, so Netside went
out and purchashed kontek.net and hosting from
Main Domain. I have recovered about all the files I am
going to be able to, so from here on out, I'll have to start making new indices again. I will start
uploading sections soon. Netside has already uploaded much of our old HTML content, but we don't have any
files currently up. Unfortunately, Emulators and Simulators sections will be delayed longer than I'd like
to because all the indices were destroyed. If you have any of our old files, please go ahead and send them
over. If you come across broken links, and you will, just try to ignore them. They will be fixed as soon
as possible. E-mailing us will not get them up any faster. RaG has rejoined us to help on the Emulator
section as soon as I can get it started again. If you can help with file maintaining, feel free to drop
me a line. Also, the PC Games section of this site has been rebirthed, again by Netside, as a new site.
You can find it here: Purified Gaming |
![[Patent Pending - MEGAߥTE]](s-pp-mb.gif) |
» Thursday, December 3, 1998 |
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NES4PC update
David de Regt has given EMU News Service a little sneakpeek at the next release of
NES4PC. Here's a sampling of what we can expect:
- New 100% Scanline-based graphics engine (fast and accurate)
- Tons of bugs fixed
- Fully Implemented mappers 8, 11, 34, 64, 66, 71, 99
- Mapper 4 support is now 100% Completed
- Fixed Sprite #0 hit detect, which fixed a ton of games
- And the big news... full zapper support (you can now play Duck Hunt)
NES4PC is an NES emulator for Windows. |
![[Emu News Service]](s-en.gif) |
» Wednesday, December 2, 1998 |
» Tuesday, December 1, 1998 |
» Fake emulator of the month |
"bleemcast" - MAME
Dreamcast Driver - joke by Zoop